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blind faith (Remove filter)

Hollow tree

The tree that carries many memories of the act of love faith and sacrifices through the blood that will cleanse the ground of the tree and its memories of the thing that has past

The tree that surrounds them are few but many cost at a great burden of wisdom guidance through a test of faith through the trial of strength through the heart mind body and soul

Many may hide many may run many may ...

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poetryblind faithfamily poem

a toast to the afterlife

here’s to the afterlife —

what fate does the day after The Last Day hold?

doubt ,

doubt consumes man’s faith .

down into the depths of the pit

my mind descends ,

down to the caverns ,

the walls closing in .

the light dwindles ,

crushed under the weight of this apparent reality .

hopeless and helpless ,

lonely and tired .

beaten down by the endless sorrow .


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death is not the end

How easily is the mind deceived by the smallest most imperceptible movement of thought that cannot be shifted by the mightiest of evidence that is proof
a trap so perfect even the staistically motivated minds of quantitative  eggheads will not budge for fear their world would be turned
upside down or perhaps the right way up
scream, scream, scream 'til you are blue in the face but they wi...

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deathlifelife after deathblind faith

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