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thankfully (Remove filter)


there’s a time to walk
past twisting paths,
with sharp turns to the left–
give thanks.

a time
when steep ways slither
slippery with jagged jutting worries–
give thanks

when dark trees crowd out the light
of everything familiar until–
give thanks

when hiking partners decide
to turn back, leaving one to
hazard the journey, alone–
give thanks

when the music
is known only to th...

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Great Destroyers

I suddenly remember
the last thing we said to one another

'If you're ever 
feeling self-destructive
hell, look me up 
and we can 
destroy ourselves together'

by chance, I remember
the last time we sat across a table

'If you're ever feeling
like the whole mad world
needs a little petrol
you know where to find me
and we'll
torch the fuckin...

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thankfullythe one that got away

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