The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 54 days, 23 hours. Get details and Enter.

south dakota (Remove filter)


Feeling the shiver of light

Running in a loop

The swell of energy

In some strange pattern.



Thoughts running about like a rubber ball

Hurled at the ceiling

In a dusty church.

There's a disconnect

And a way out

At least one dream

Can come true.

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aberdeenclenched up brainssouth dakota

Small Shadow

There's so much between us Maybe it's only air I feel the waves Pulses I feel the open sky Wandering, climbing a skeleton. middle-of-the-night conversations getting lost amongst the lights and I want to have time with you I want to know you kindly I fell through time and drowned in space bearing a prayer in my heart known beyond time Sunstained rose frozen earth the quivering...

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AberdeenSouth Dakotadistanceslar


i watch it all change and i sit back here like a child watching his parents argue across the dinner table not understanding a word waiting for it to change back or change into fireworks and butterflies but i don't know if it will. Because... It's all moved on, everything moves into and out of decay the circle of life is an ouroborus much bigger than i thought it spa...

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aberdeenchangedeathmemoryrebirthsouth dakota

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