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Missed Something

I've tried to write this

Fifty times over

Each time I get closer

But somehow still miss


I miss something

In what I want you to know

I miss something

In saying I don't want to let go


If this is goodbye

Then say it now

I'll give up the fight

I'll let you walk out


And forever

I'll miss



I've loved you like no other

I've never held...

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missingbreakuppainlongingloveheartachesongsong lyrics

What If

Sorry for the length, but I wrote this after something that happened to one of my students a few days ago. It's the first thing I've written in a long time that is probably a song.

With acknowledgements to John Lennon

I see your tears falling

It really breaks my heart

I know right now you believe

Your world just fell apart


You can’t see through the darkness

The next move ...

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FailureJohn LennonSong lyrics

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