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What If

Sorry for the length, but I wrote this after something that happened to one of my students a few days ago. It's the first thing I've written in a long time that is probably a song.

With acknowledgements to John Lennon

I see your tears falling

It really breaks my heart

I know right now you believe

Your world just fell apart


You can’t see through the darkness

The next move to make

Destiny just closed a door

For now there’s no escape


What if you’d done things differently?

If only you had known

The future’s not a given

Seems it’s just on loan


I try to offer comfort

Through words of a great man

Life is what happens

While you’re making other plans


I’ve been through such darkness

I’ve shed similar tears

Built pathways that have crumbled

And seen dreams disappear


I wish I could convince you

Things will turn out for the best

But time’s the only teacher

That can really pass that test


Though tears are now falling

One day you’ll realise

Sometimes our darkest moments

Can be blessings in disguise


We find the strength to go on

When it’s taken from our hands

Life is what happens

While we’re making other plans


May time grant you the courage

And the faith to finally see

What now feels like failure

As an opportunity


See obstacles as stepping stones

A new path built day by day

The “what ifs” you carry with you

Will simply fade away


You’ll find luck, and love, and happiness

In ways you don’t expect

Your road will take you places

You haven’t dreamed of yet


So step into the darkness

The universe has got it planned

Life is what you make it

When you take fate by the hand


FailureJohn LennonSong lyrics

◄ Contradictions

French Heat ►


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Wed 1st Aug 2018 11:06

An excellent poem for every student to read while experiencing the trauma awaiting the arrival of examination results.

Big Sal

Tue 31st Jul 2018 23:38

That last stanza pretty much sums up what my mama would always tell me when growing up. Truly inspiring piece of art you have here.?

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Becky Who

Tue 31st Jul 2018 23:34

Thank you all so much for all the nice comments, I really appreciate it.

Ferris, it wasn't just grades - this particular student in question just had their plans to study abroad all next year taken away, somewhat unexpectedly. But I deliberately made it ambiguous so it could apply to a lot of situations. I'm glad you read it like that - someone else I showed it to asked me if the student concerned had taken his life...

Frances Macaulay Forde

Tue 31st Jul 2018 12:26

Yes, I liked it a lot, Becky. Don't know what you're apologizing for... that quote is often in my head!

<Deleted User> (19836)

Tue 31st Jul 2018 10:41

Encouraging and positive! Well done. Thanks ?Jane

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Taylor Crowshaw

Tue 31st Jul 2018 05:51

A lovely piece.. Enjoyed it very much.
Thank you

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Tue 31st Jul 2018 05:46

Thought provoking.Beautiful.

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