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september 11 (Remove filter)

September 11, 2001

Failing to understand
why our nation is great,
an opportunity was sought
by souls cowardly lying in wait.

Focused on pure evil
as they have continually done,
an unholy attack was unleashed
on a day now known as 9-1-1.

Via the destruction
of New York's "Twin Towers"
the enemy crushed a symbol
of U.S. monetary power.

Beyond the resources to rebuild,
our country ...

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September Sisters

Twin sisters, both alike in majesty,
In New Manhattan, where we set this scene,
From arid lands flocks an old enemy,
To scorch the earth of this, a western dream.

From fateful skies the fatal flights descend,
But none the wiser to their pending fate,
The man and child, to happy affairs tend,
Their future sealed beneath a veil of hate.

Through vacant city clouds, their path...

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