The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 54 days, 11 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Modus Operandi---Conscious Cruelty

If you care anything at all about Mental Health Services in Tory UK, and about how the Tories treat their citizens watch this:


Modus Operandi-Conscious Cruelty


National Emergency; declare a General Strike;

Are we Hearts of Oak, or timid wee mice?

Stop kissing their boots, tell ‘em to take a hike,

I for one, am itching to get rid of these lice;


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mental healthcrueltyDoverPinocchioscamshearts of oak

Oh How Those Dolly Birds Do Play...

She was as real as blue bananas,

her profile made of ‘borrowed’ snaps,

with random words to fill a little space,

will it convince many, well just a few, perhaps…


But at the end where the the typing was done

sits a fat old guy who came from a slum

who uses false ID’s on a dozen sites a day

to pretend he is flirting in a feminine way…


Then a week or more later a ple...

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