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Modus Operandi---Conscious Cruelty

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If you care anything at all about Mental Health Services in Tory UK, and about how the Tories treat their citizens watch this:


Modus Operandi-Conscious Cruelty


National Emergency; declare a General Strike;

Are we Hearts of Oak, or timid wee mice?

Stop kissing their boots, tell ‘em to take a hike,

I for one, am itching to get rid of these lice;


Let’s call time on the bastards, and ring the bell,

No more Mr. Nice Guy; the party’s over;

If we don’t stop them now, we’re off to hell

In a handcart over the white cliffs of Dover.


Sick and hungry are suffering for greedy sods,

Don’t forget Pinocchio’s “Let the bodies pile high”,

“Don’t be a Granny-Killer”, that’s a Tory’s job;

If they killed yours, make them eat humble pie;


They’ve fucked Britain up, those total scum,

Pissed down our backs, and said it was rain,

Trashed public services for fun,

For their private profit and public pain;


We need a General Election now,

Use your votes to kick out these scrotes,

To your righteous anger make them bow,

Don’t be at one another’s throats,

On the instructions of the Daily Heil;

We’re paying the price of offshore scams,

Whilst vital public services fail;

Frankly my dears, we need to make them give a damn!


mental healthcrueltyDoverPinocchioscamshearts of oak

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