The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 23 hours. Get details and Enter.

piano (Remove filter)

Night shift solace

Black and white, they rest in place

held in their wooden tomb, lost in space

a haven bathed in bright moonlight 

in a sports hall on a quiet night


A break in time can be so rare

Capturing the now from the glare

Free at last, I roam the grounds

To bathe in light and glorious sound


A feast for the eyes and the soul

The waves fill my unworthy ear holes

Such a b...

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Waves Of Music

You were always musical, ready with a tune

And though I was tone deaf, my ear quite tin

We muddled on by dint of the golden mean

Though I was convinced all opera was a sin


The keyboard in our pool is testimony to a breach

A sad rupture in our regime of mutual toleration

I confess that I shoved it in with one fell swoop

After you inflicted that last Prokofiev quotation


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baby grandpianopooltone deafharmonicscales

You Could Own An Upright Piano

You Could Own An Upright Piano


You could own an upright piano

The newspaper advert said

And although I can’t play one

The words got messing with my head


We had one when I was a young boy

It stood in the front room, unused

Because no one in our house could play it

So it left all our visitors bemused


Well – actually – I could play ‘Chopsticks’

And my gran...

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advertchildhood memoriesday92lack of abilitypianopurchasetemptingurge

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