The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 56 days, 11 hours. Get details and Enter.

mystical femininity (Remove filter)

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Girl in the Mirror

Her sapphire eyes mirror a glowing
wonder, mixed with loss and longing
beneath flowing auburn curls,
aquiline nose, and mystical
flawless features–
yet she suffers

Her enticing lips are sweet as cider
extracted from the choicest ruby red apples
but can change vicious &
as a witch’s brew
her perfect teeth gleam proudly
as impeccable milky pearls– sharp
as her razor wit


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authentic selfmystical femininity


Girl of the planet come to me now and show me your inner soul,
set my mind on fire with your eternal strength.
Goddess of the oceans and rivers, bathe me
in your watery embrace and solitude.
Queen of the deserts and of the shifting sands, fling
a sandstorm at my door, hide me in your deep Sahara.
Angel of the watery skies, blow me away with you...

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mystical femininityplanet earthmother naturenatural landscapeslovewomanman

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