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The Robins Nest

Building a rockery
Stopping, watching.
Robins’ nesting close
Stop work do not startle.
Stop for incoming worms
Love those birds.
Mouths to feed
Stopping with care and wonder.

Hen and Cock, working to ends
Chicks gaped ochre mouths
Cheeping, stop work, move away.
They cry.
Worm after worm
Rock after rock.
Both building
Only rock is dead.

Lovers tiff, leaving permanently.

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Cyanide Footsteps, Arsenic Touch

 poem from my new book co written with Mel Grobler, link under my poem...

Cyanide Footsteps, Arsenic Touch

Everything about you is toxic. Your lethal kiss at dawn ending my life in a moment. Your breath stagnant when you stand in my personal space.


The rasping assault on my eardrums when you shout at me, imploding my head. What of your arsenic touch, killing me by r...

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