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Nearly Christmas Haiku

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almost from nowhere;

Christmas sinks upon you all

counting down from 7 to 1.



(Image borrowed from beautyflash)



◄ Black Sapote

5 days until Christmas Haiku ►


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Andy N

Mon 19th Dec 2022 07:55

Thanks Leon - seasons greetings to you also (Should have said that to you also yesterday Ulleam)

Thanks also for the like Stephen

<Deleted User> (34685)

Sun 18th Dec 2022 18:35

Good stuff Andy!


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Andy N

Sun 18th Dec 2022 13:15

Thanks Uilleam.. Hadn't thought of that but kinda makes sense lol

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Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Sun 18th Dec 2022 09:50

I like your use of the word "sinks".
A reminder of all the washing up after the dinner?😏

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