god's love (Remove filter)

Daughter Of God

You’re not what you think.
Things aren’t as they seem.
Lived your whole life
against what you believe.
I know that it’s hard not to
look at yourself
feeling like you are lost,
could have been something else.

Feeling like there’s no hope
given all that you’ve done,
like there’s no way back to

the light of the sun.
But trust me, that’s non-sense,

a literal fraud!
The truth is y...

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godgod's lovepersonal worthchild of god

Midnight City

Now the calm of new fallen snow

lies in silent peace and stillness,

gently covering the loneliness

of midnight city streets.


As I walk, I cannot help but wonder.


How can it be so unaware

of where it present lies?

Has it not seen the desolation?

Has it not heard the cries?


Perhaps it doesn’t know the tales,

lying there on unkept ground

on the brok...

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god's lovemercygod's mercy


The stars that fill the midnight sky,

or single grains of sand

cannot compare to all his works

too vast to understand.


What number counts the drops of rain

that make the oceans wide?

How many hours and days and years

fill up eternal life?


How far the furthest star lies from

the meager grasp of man?

How far across this universe

hath he stretched fo...

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mercygracelovegod's lovegod's mercy

Fall On Me

What I recount here wasn't a dream
Clouds cracked open a spotlight sunbeam.
Pinpointed on me, whose mind was in sorrow.
I desperately needed a job by tomorrow.
At the end of my rope by the cold reality,
our dwindling supplies were depending on me.
Stranded in Hawaii, before traveling the earth,
We went there for training to share the new birth.
Sold everything we owned, flew as a family.

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God's GrandeurGod's lovetrusting God's love


This is based on a true story. In 2010, I was extremely ill with pneumonia from H1N1. I was in the VA for 2 weeks. I came home no better because I couldn't get out of bed. I got an encouraging kick out of a cardinal dancing up and down outside my window. He wanted me to get up and put a peanut on my sill. This is a rework of High Note, more accurate to the actual event.



We like to t...

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God's lovepowerlessness.cardinalssickness

Eternal Infancy

No matter how many years are added to my life,

I will always be a child.

For in Your presence- it is all I can be.

Though infancy is not to my memory

I can feel it overwhelm me as though it is all I have ever known

Grabbing for Your pinky,

Drawing nearer and nearer to You,

At the approach of all that is new

Of all that is strange

Of all that troubles me

Gazing with un...

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christian poetryrelationship with GodGod's loveHeavenly Fatherchild of Godeternal infancy

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