The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 52 days, 13 hours. Get details and Enter.

earth magic (Remove filter)


Oh chalice you hold the purest 

Disguised your milky grey complexion 

Hints of sky blue golden sun 

Creative nature rippling on reflection 

Clear waters run

 carrying with it the sun 

Collecting soil gathering particles of leaf and tree residue 

Slowing the flow of the mineral spring

Giving the porous chalice time to absorb 

It never seems to overflow 

The temperature...

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natural springgrave yardearth magiccoded

Dha Kro’z Ov Al-bi-an

Dha Kro’z Ov Al-bi-an

(Tak’n frum ‘Dha Book Ov Kro’z’)

Koww Koww Koww
Wit wich hurd mi ple -
Kum down in hur
sno dres fin’ery.

Koww Koww Koww
“Giv mi vois”, sez I,
“For Kro iz sik ov
ra’ging at gray ski”

Koww Koww Koww
“I wish mi song be hurd,
tune’ful as a
prit’i lit’l burd”
“No, No”, sa she
“Nev’ar such a thing -
for u ar blak ov hart -
as blak of wing”

“I se u on ...

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