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12 days after Christmas

On the first day after Christmas my true love and I had a terrible, terrible argument and she threw a variety of pots and pans at me, so I strangled the Partridge and burnt down the Pear tree that my true, my true love gave to me. Things didn’t get any better by the end of the second day, when she started throwing plates at me like Boomerangs, and so, in a vicious frenzy I took ou...

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Is anything sadder than a Christmas tree

Abandoned by the bin bags?

Rejected with the empty cans

Discarded on cold stone flags.


Is anything sadder than a Christmas tree

Alone on a NewYear pavement?

It seems to say "Remember me -

And all the joy I once meant".


Is anything sadder than a Christmas tree

In a dust-cart  - lost to sight?

It seems to...

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In One of Those Countries He Was Born


There are countries where people have never seen the snow.

There are countries where pine-apples grow,

There are countries with granite ridge,

There are countries with no bridge.


In those countries the flowers are more fragrant,

In those countries there is a beautiful salient,

In those countries the stars are brighter,

In those countries the spring is elegant and lig...

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200 Miles


Long walks over grassy knolls

Stumble over mounds dug by moles

The right amount of milk in the tea

Taking apart the couch looking for your key

The subtle intimacies that we share

That shows each other how much we care

Me staring at you when you sleep

Hitting my arm to call me a creep


This is our first Christmas together

But there’s a slight niggle...

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The Christmas Fox

Last one from me for this year, then. These are the lyrics to my Christmas song which has been released into the wild; it’s called The Christmas Fox and it’s available via iTunes or Amazon  or other good mp3 retailers.  Season’s Greetings to one and all.


The fox in the city saw the snow begin to fall

And he stopped to stare in wonder at ...

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Winter, Blinded

Woke to the 
kiss of winter's ache and the
thud double dip and dance
of some kind of animal outside.
A fire burning somewhere. 

To you, the blind lady,
winter was just a series
of sensations –
the scratch of a naked branch,
the rain (only colder).

The utter embrace of silence.



This was for a contest on deviantART in which contesta...

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This verse is on my profile page but I make no apologies for repeating it here at this time.


How fitting now in deep December,

When days are short and life is low,

That in our hearts we will remember

Those we loved who had to go.


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Christmas Acrostic

Christmas is something beauitful for me and
Has a subtle magic in it which
Rains down on you softly
Instead of screaming or
Swearing at you
That makes even the most minor thing
Mean everything
And creates hope so that it
Springs out of misery.

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The Nine Letters of Christmas

My first is in children and also in care;

My second’s in hope and in homeless and share;

My third is in laughter, in present and strife;

My fourth’s in belief, in despair and in life;

My fifth is in festive, in sleep and in streets;

My sixth is in thanking, and trouble and treats;

My seventh’s in memories that grow with the years;

My eighth is in warmth, and in absen...

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Sing It In


Sing It In



Let’s write a little warmth!

It’s cold outside and I hasten to add,

It’s been a little cold inside too,

Let’s write a little warmth

And think of the songs that spoke

Not of peoples division;

But togetherness and freedom.


‘Imagine’ Mister Lennon said,

Imagine all the people

And I am, I am thinking of times ahead

When ...

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Down Heathen Street I set my course

And onward past the inn;

My breast contained a happy heart,

My face a happy grin.


Gregory Lane came soon enough

And at a farmyard gate

A mongrel pup barked "hurry up",

Protecting his estate.


A pheasant blustered from the brush

And rose high in the air,

And in its rush a startled thrush

Made up a flustere...

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Finding the Beauty in Christmas

Mistletoe by candlelight,

love lined Christmas markets,

shopping centres full of happy couples.


Let them have what I do not,

it is theirs.


But what is mine?


My Christmas must come early

if I am to maintain the mirage of the miracle.


I'll line the markets with an illuminating

indigo light

and bathe in the dreams

that will...

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View from a steamed-up bus window

As my rattling Transdev bus chugs on

In its grumpy rush-hour peregrination

Through the already darkening day's end

Of Bradford's murky northern outskirts,

Condensation-glazed lad-scratched glass

Metamorphoses the winterworld outside

Into a semi-opaque panchromatic fairyland.


As dozy daylight dissolves to torpid twilight,

Mundane suburbia subtly transforms i...

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This carol is dedicated to Peter Fender and his Philharmonia-Britannica Symphony Orchestra

( - a worthy charity that champions neglected British classical music and the

arts - often combining poetry and music..



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I have completed a Christmas carol and it occurs to me that it would be a fun thing if others

who contribute to WOL blogs could come up with their own.  After all, it's coming up to THAT

time of year and perhaps we can add to the list of carols currently known and loved.  I will

post my own - with a modest audio track - shortly. about it, fellow weavers of

words - any ...

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