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cheshire cat (Remove filter)

The Artist

this player knew a secret–
first, he was comfortable
in his own tortoiseshell,
hovering by the Circle K
next to the CVS and Pizza Hut,
but was more than savvy
that the Circle K
was where
the actual game was.

For late-night beer drinkers
and lotto gamblers could buy smokes
and beer up to 1 am
–there, he reclined with his striped tail
acting completely oblivious, resting
near the doo...

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cheshire catcool the cat

A Christmas Cat

Cool cat sat on the cold snow.

Coal black cat, Cheshire Cat grin,

Looking up to see within.

White flakes floating down, carpeting, covering all around.

Snow can cover such a multitude of sins.


Cool cat sat on the white mat,

Softly he began to hum a song.

He though of his lost love long gone

Over the seas to nonsense land.

There no snow but always winter,


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black catchristmaswonderlandsnowcheshire cat

That Gal Gladys

Tongue Twisting Twaddle

This one is for Don M. who bemoans the lack of serendipity on WOL and would like to see a bit more frippery.

That Gal Gladys

Could it be we take ourselves too seriously?

Maybe our pomp possy posing needs a little pricking, A little snacker snicking?

As Twiddly Thumb said to Twiddly Toe,

“That gal Gladys wuz really weird. Wherever did she go?”


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nonsensecheshire cattardishares and hatters

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