The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 9 hours. Get details and Enter.

Obsessive Thoughts (Remove filter)

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blind by years
of eyeing what may
have been

a fixation to rectify
conclusions that left

desperate in the pursuit
of improving a battered past
exhibiting no signs
of resuscitation

nurse this project
try to be precise, matching back
grimy bones

in phantom wasteland
pictures lacerate
with a jangling chain
ghostly voice


© –Limericist 2007

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Obsessive Thoughts

Involuntary Glamorization In Obsessive Dreams

Black tar and needle scars,

I pull it back and let it rip,

It's time to trip I take a hit,

My heart skips I'm loving it,

Twisted things and smoking everything,

Angelic wings flying high like a king,

Powdered wishes and doing fat ishes,

Taking in poison is rather delicious,

This dark liquid death has me out of breath,

Not a worry in the world not even HEP,

I crush it u...

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AddictionDrugsObsessive Thoughts

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