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November collage poem (Remove filter)

November 2022 Collage Poem: The New Face

Lifeless monarch dances with Elvis and the Tall Man

Eternal caretaker roams the trysting fields, wraps his rictus

Grin round the empty gin bottle


Waiting for the announcement of a significant death

The clown shakes off his last cigarette

Haunted by the cold face of a living

Being, in an English winter of worried

Wives and broken men


The eternal caretaker stood ov...

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November collage poemthe New Face

November 2020 Collage Poem: Carrying Our Dreams

The hungry boy stares at herself like a clock
Mum hungers, drinking thistles in water
The children carry their empty plates in dreams
And haunt Boris but not Karloff.

Carrying their dreams in reflections 
Windy Miller considers sunset for better or worse
Observe the magnificence of now
Sealed with wax in a glass box brings
The other side of love.

In meeting, we would seal a fate, the ...

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Carrying our dreamsNovember collage poem

November Collage poem: Grim but Good

From spaceships of harmony

Into the fires of Hell

Mouldy undertaking no more


A trodden mind, angry in the Nut Bar

I need more than seven words, please


Neil Young – grim and grizzled –

Summoned by starship –

Says he can’t go because of his terrible I.B.S.


Drinking tears to dry up the well, pointless

Advertising tissues then.


She wasn’t always fifty ...

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2019November collage poemgrim but good

November 2016 Collage Poem: Forking Paths

Sand to page to gentle water

Grey on grey you greasepaint dogs

Cold spirits recorded: lists of names


Swans are swathed in chiffon

Whilst bombs kill buildings:

The art of war

Casked in delights

Of stale Big Mac meals


I don't like bringing religion

Into this but Jesus said to the sick

'Take up your beds and walk!' Well I say

'Put down your blades and talk!'


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November collage poemStockport write out loud

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