The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

November Collage poem: Grim but Good

entry picture

From spaceships of harmony

Into the fires of Hell

Mouldy undertaking no more


A trodden mind, angry in the Nut Bar

I need more than seven words, please


Neil Young – grim and grizzled –

Summoned by starship –

Says he can’t go because of his terrible I.B.S.


Drinking tears to dry up the well, pointless

Advertising tissues then.


She wasn’t always fifty –

Fairy tales are evil

As are Spaghetti Westerns

End with a bittersweet blend of good and grim

The Instagram stress, fruits of the dead heroes.


There is no way out from Blue Well Wood,

For still I search…

Sometimes the driver speaks.


2019November collage poemgrim but good

◄ October 2019 Collage Poem: Don’t Pick up Hitchhikers

December Collage Poem: The Krampus ►


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dorinda macdowell

Mon 9th Dec 2019 16:31

I won't be able to join you this evening; the cough/cold which has attacked me just won't go away! As most of you may recall, I always bring some chocs for our Christmas meeting: never fear! - I shall bring some next time and we can have a belated Christmas celebration in January!
Have a brilliant evening, enjoy - and a very blessed Christmas to one and all!
Love Dorinda x

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Nigel Astell

Wed 13th Nov 2019 14:44

Grim fairy tales
downward journey starts
Go go dancer past fifty
evil records play
a good blend
fruits of the dead
Blue Bell Wood
is where this
collage poem ends.

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