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Nelson Mandela (Remove filter)

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ReMember The Night

ReMember the Night


How can you go meekly into the night 

When your world no longer gently goes around?

How can you go meekly into the night

When lives of who you cherish depend on you being wise?

Do you forget that in the beginning time started?

And yet this time has an end as so do you.

For if you have, forget not that all times have their moments besides one Holy one


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inspirationalpoetryclimate changefuture worldNelson MandelaChristJesusmothers. children

Nelson Mandela

Once there lived an amazing man -
Nelson Mandela was his name.
And though he suffered much injustice,
No-one would he ever blame.

Twenty seven years he spent in prison,
And with much cruelty he would face.
And while he felt to no-one hatred,
He wished to make the world a better place.

Without bitterness or vengeance,
Everyone he understood.
And though he was badly treated,
He saw in...

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Stuart VannerNelson Mandela

For Nelson Mandela

Another voice was buried today
in the breeze,

scattered across the oceans,

trampled under the walls of time.

Another hope lost across
another song
trapped on on a record player
singing along for freedom
before a boy turned into a man
in a different decade.

Another voice clutching to a piece
of paper,

lost across the years
whispering hope.

Another child bleach blonde
who ...

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Nelson Mandela

Poem for Nelson Mandela.

I expect everybody’s read enough Nelson Mandela poems by now,  but here’s mine anyway...


“What’s it got to do with us?”  refrained
my father when his boys
spurned the bottle of Cape Red plonk
he’d serve with Sunday roast.  Despite how it stained,
he’d never grasp our umbrage at his choice,
but Nelson’s cell was like a sunken rock
to which our teenage optimism was chained.

There se...

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Nelson MandelapoemApartheid

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