The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 51 days, 8 hours. Get details and Enter.

LGBT History Month (Remove filter)


I was tattered and drunk staring in the mirror;

A blank expression with a tear-stained face;

Unshaven, unkempt, the weight slowly melting away,

The bones slowly revealing their form, ready for the grave, with slapped on talcum to keep the lesions covered, wherever they may stain.

The aches, the pains, the inability to stand, fill my brow with a cold sweat that casts a cloak upon my bra...

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awarenessLGBT History Month

That's so gay

When we think about the freedoms

our ancestors thought for,

the cracking of the great enigma.

Futile hopes soaked in apple-core tears

crashing like a faulty application.


Remember, that's so gay.


When you websling like Spidey

page to page.

From songs on YouTube,

to memes about Derp...

remember his hurt.


Remember, that's so gay.


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LGBT History MonthAlan TuringJohn AmaechiNeil Patrick HarrisRussell T DaviesJohn BarrowmanDoctor WhoTorchwoodHow I Met Your MotherLiteratureTheatrePoetryEducationSchoolsCommunityAcceptance

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