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A Floristry of Palpitations (Remove filter)

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I Compare Thee To A Roast Dinner

From my new book:- A Floristry of Palpitations


As cool as a sprout,

and more fragrant than a cabbage -

You turned me on with your Yorkshire Pudding wit.

Your potato looks, and carrot personality

attracted me like gravy to a plate.

Your cauliflower skin, and garden pea humour

was as passionate as a roast beef kiss.


Your solicitor was ...

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A Floristry of PalpitationsPoetryHumourRoast Dinner

A Floristry of Palpitations

My new comedy/poetry book called 'A Floristry of Palpitations' will be out shortly.

It is published by Desert Hearts and retails at £5.99

       Here is a sample poem:-

                    I CAME LAST

                    A competition

                    writing Rondeaus. I came last.

                    I wrote a Haiku.

For more, please visit my website at www.georgestanwort...

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A Floristry of PalpitationsGeorge StanworthComedy Poetry

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