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Jordyn Elizabeth

Updated: Fri, 31 May 2024 03:34 am

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In the wise words of Bob Dylan; "Be groovy or leave man."

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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<Deleted User> (32907)

Mon 25th Apr 2022 02:08

Hi Jordyn E. Just to say I like your Bio. Great quote. I wish more people would do just that! Your new pic is great too! Keep writing your lovely words! Blessings!💕

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Jared Harris

Sat 11th Dec 2021 13:15

Thank you Jordyn for liking and taking the time to read some of my poems, I really do appreciate it a lot..once again thank you.


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Stephen Atkinson

Thu 23rd Sep 2021 16:28

Thank you so much, Jordyn for liking so many of my scribbles! I did go through a barren patch, but a few ideas started to float around a few weeks ago, so I caught them quick before they floated out the window!
Nice to see you posting again. Your poetry has a lovely sense of composition and unfolds beautifully to draw the reader in. I look forward to reading more ? Thanks again


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The Crescent Moon

Mon 9th Aug 2021 06:09

I just took some time to read through your recent efforts and I am just breathtaken. I admire your style to a point where I am almost a but jealous, haha. ?
Keep up the amazing work! ?

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Scattered Sun

Fri 12th Feb 2021 00:08

Thanks for the likes!
I love your work. You write so beautifully, I can feel every emotion.

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AM Cash

Thu 30th Apr 2020 20:52

Thank you for liking my poetry ?

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Nigel Astell

Tue 28th Apr 2020 00:50

I enjoyed reading Cornfields thanks for your like on Bloodbath Ends.

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Wendy Higson

Thu 13th Feb 2020 06:06

Thankyou for your comments to my poem have just started writing again after being ill . Don't cover your face up . Life’s too short . Show the world your talent . Love Wendy . ❤️


Wed 22nd Jan 2020 21:17

Hi IJMDH - 2025 - thanks for the like. Blessings. P. ?


Wed 22nd Jan 2020 10:16

Why hide behind
that mysterious book
come out Jordyn
and let us look
the poems you write
will have us hooked
so show us what's
behind the book.


Sun 19th Jan 2020 20:54

Hi and thankee muchly for the like on Moon talk. P. ?

<Deleted User> (14241)

Mon 7th Oct 2019 17:36


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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Wed 1st May 2019 15:09

Hi, Jordyn. Welcome to WOL. Very arresting 'title', photo and bio, all of them full of dramatic imagination. Some day, writing poetry may actually be a joy, as well as a 'medication'. But, maybe, as 'medication', it already IS a joy. Interesting thought, actually.

Good touch with 'aside from waffles'. All is not so bleak that a sense of humour is stifled! Besides, I totally agree. Mine is salted peanuts, chocolate pieces and raisins - in one chompy mouthful - the taste coming through individually and in good company!

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John Coopey

Sun 28th Apr 2019 09:10

I looked you up after you “liked” one of mine. Glad I did. I think we sit at opposite ends of the poetry spectrum (if poetry arranges itself like that!) But really enjoyed your stuff. Keep posting.

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Dave Caplan

Tue 19th Feb 2019 10:39

A very dramatic sample Jordyn.
It screams love, passion and, total possession of another.
Terrific....but also frightening !


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