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Updated: 2 days ago

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I joined WriteOutLoud in 2009 on the advice of a friend and have learned so much from the other writers here. They've also inspired many of my poems along the way. I don't always have a comment to make on others work but I love to read as much as I can. I mostly write about human relationships and try to imagine what other people might be thinking. I do it for my own amusement. I love mulling over titles and phrases throughout my day. It also helps me sleep. The creative process fascinates me. I’d love to sit down with each person on here and learn about where they get their ideas, what satisfaction they derive from a poem, how they know when one is finished and even what pen/tools they use to write.

WriteOutLoud Social Media

I have been given the honour of keeping the WriteOutLoud Instagram feed a bit more up-to-date and each week I will be sharing poems that have been posted on the poetry blogs section as well as news features and gig listings. If you see a poem/post you think is particularly worthy of being featured, please drop me a line. Do follow Write Out Loud on our social channels:

Why Poems?

Poems are my photographs my diary my inner monologue poems are my measurement my record the fingerprints of emotions invisible no more Poems are my expression the sum of interactions they show my working out Poems are the breath of lost lovers against my neck Poems are the kisses for my family and my friends the hugs I seldom give And your poems... your poems keep me company a little light calling to my lost ship I sip my tea and slip into your mind...

Dark At The End of The Street

We've had some fun but our story is complete The moral knife still twisting deep That improper thing must always be beat So, you turn your back and off you creep Promising me each memory you’ll fondly keep And with my battered trust and my itchy feet how firmly you believe I’ll casually retreat back into the dark at the end of the street We knew the rules, we knew the game and still we had to cheat We wrote through sun and rain and sleet We thought ourselves immune our passion so discrete now the choice is made we casually hit ‘delete’ You’re so sure my heart won’t miss a beat we blackened many notebooks we tore out many sheets So much goes unsaid those poems stay incomplete All filed away in the dark at the end of the street Do you think me as some devil replete with tricks and treats it seemed like art at first something so unique An open mind, an open cage a bird that often leaves And yet here we are again that same story on repeat What made your soul once leap now feels so obsolete Was there always something missing a fatal flaw in this conceit It no longer matters our time, we did deplete my footsteps fade into the dark at the end of the street Where I fein my understanding and wrestle with relief Peering out through the dampening eyes of my defeat I’ll fold myself so small my vanishing so neat I slip from this scene back into the dark at the end of the street… [2022]

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

Do you want to be featured here? Submit your profile.


leon stolgard

Sun 10th Mar 2024 11:39

Thanks for the update Tom and so pleased that you hadn't deleted it

When you had removed it I wasn't able to comment in time as I can now now that youhave confirmed it WAS your poem.

A truly fabulous piece surprisingly bereft of being flooded with comments? ( meant with respect )

Regards matey!

leon stolgard

Sat 9th Mar 2024 17:50

Tom was Breakfast in bed your poem?

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Becky Sanders

Thu 25th Jan 2024 12:15

Thank you for your kind words on my first poem. I appreciate it!

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David Cooke

Thu 31st Aug 2023 11:23

HI Tom Glad you liked my little tribute to Seamus on his anniversary.

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Stephen Atkinson

Tue 13th Sep 2022 20:28

A Darlo lad eh? I used to work with a few Darlo lads when I worked at Stockton. Probably did well to get out 🤣 Just kidding.
Thanks for the constant encouragement its much appreciated mate. And keep writing your superb poetry 👍

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Wed 3rd Aug 2022 20:44

Tom, I just want to Thank you for your recent comments on a couple of my poems - very kind words! I don’t know how I’ve managed to miss your offerings here on WOL. I Just had a read and now you have a new follower! 😊

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Mon 6th Jun 2022 20:20

thank you for your lovely comment on my poem!! the party went exactly how I imagined, however I was rather at peace with that 😊

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keith jeffries

Sun 2nd Jan 2022 12:08

Thank you for your comment on my latest poem New Beginnings. I appreciate your comments as I also appreciate your poetry.

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Lee Campbell

Mon 16th Aug 2021 18:55

Also meant to say, I originally write 'I am a body. A complex historied web of... ' 'well' was a typo but I didn't spot it and I actually prefer 'well' !

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Lee Campbell

Mon 16th Aug 2021 18:49

Thanks so much for your comment about 'See Me', I thought you'd like to see the video poem version

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Adam Whitworth

Thu 12th Aug 2021 15:07

Hi Tom
Thanks for your comments on "Buzzing Of The Saw"
Glad you like it


Tue 13th Jul 2021 03:42

you like the poem
so do not mock it,
just take your hands
out of your pockets!
(your photo.)

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Rasa Kabaila

Sat 29th May 2021 06:24

Hello Tom, I love your prose 'Why poems'. These lines in your poem in particular touch my heart and resonate with me deeply:

'Poems are my expression
the sum of interactions
they show my working out
Poems are the breath
of lost lovers
against my neck'

Beautiful. Thank you.
Best wishes,

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keith jeffries

Tue 27th Apr 2021 10:06

Thanks for your message on my profile which I appreciate greatly. We seem to have a similar approach to the way we write poetry. The word inspiration is at the root of the matter. From where does this come? Is it random or formulated in the subconscious? I often pass through times of aridity then the opposite occurs and I find myself in full flood.

I enjoy your poetry. Never stop writing.

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keith jeffries

Sat 24th Apr 2021 00:03

Thank you for your comment on my recent poem "An Outlook"; for taking the time to read it and giving it a like.

I am curious about your profile, especially the last paragraph of your biography where you deal with the writing of poetry, the tools used and where the ideas for poems spring from. As someone advanced in age I still write my poems in long hand using a fountain pen. This is not because of some attachment to days past, but I believe that hand writing flows from the mind of the writer along the arm and into the hand. It is as if a connection exists which I do not experience when using a key board. Inspiration for my poetry is drawn from a number of sources often determined by subjects which interest me, such as spiritualty and the realm of the natural world and man's place in it. A spoken word, a piece of music, something I read, a passing thought or an observation triggers a response which ferments in my mind and invariably I am able to form words to express myself on paper.

Poetry is so highly subjective that it is impossible to explain only express what the writer wants to say. This is how I write. Whether I am a good poet must rest with the opinions of those who read my work and then I seek and appreciate their comments.

Hope this throws some light on your questions.

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D Joshi

Fri 5th Feb 2021 16:42

Thank you for your lovely comment Tom,
and yes i can add WriteOutLoud to another of my lockdown discoveries ?

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Lasse Krey

Mon 9th Nov 2020 18:33

Hey Tom.
Thanks for your comment on my page. I was quite surprised about our similarities. It is very unusual for me to meet someone who is similar to me, in fact I met one person in 26 years from whom I thought he looks at the world like I do.
The last months, my soul has been very restless and it's hard for me to find peace inside. Even though I have the time, I don't read many of the poems on WOL cause I lack the attention they deserve.




Tue 27th Oct 2020 17:16

That poem "Death Sentence"
upset a lot of people who thought it
was too dark and sad
But Truth is sometimes sad & depressing.

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Tommy Carroll

Thu 22nd Oct 2020 20:36

Cheers Tom for your liking of my verse, A wave from the bus,


Fri 9th Oct 2020 11:57

Don't electrocute yourself.
Wear rubber gloves
while writing!


Wed 7th Oct 2020 00:58

wear a seat belt.
don't spill the beans
and don't spill the poems.


Tue 6th Oct 2020 02:28

why is your hair on end?



Sun 27th Sep 2020 12:54

Hot sauce is made from
the green Jalapeno,
the Mexican thrives
esta muy bueno!


Tue 22nd Sep 2020 02:22

Holy Terrors
is an old expression here
now we have terrorists
who are not holy.


Sun 13th Sep 2020 01:49

doing fine, now that I'm home
the hospital was a death trap.

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Flavia Gordon

Fri 4th Sep 2020 01:07

Thank you Tom, I take pleasure in your enjoyment...

I am glad I made an impression with my first post...I admit that was my desire.

I must say...and this is no lip service
Your samples are exquisite
The pot of my emotions are stirred
And you are the culprit...

Renee By a Thread is incredibly poignant.


Wed 2nd Sep 2020 23:28

marriage isn't perfect
but the data shows married people live longer
and are overall happier
so that poem "Making Allowances" was my ode to marriage
mostly mine!


Sat 29th Aug 2020 08:41

thanks Tom Alexander
(or is it Alexander Tom?)
anyway, I will take your words to heart
and deal with this in a positive way,
after all we must support our doctors
who are unhappy if they cannot do multiple"tests"
to find out if you are worth doing surgery on.
The White Coats are coming!

<Deleted User> (19980)

Mon 17th Aug 2020 18:02

Thanks Tom for your lovely comments and interest in my work. Greatly appreciated!


Wed 8th Jul 2020 03:22

The beard poem was just all in fun
I see from your photo
you really don't have much of a beard
so you have nothing to worry about.
No birds in beard for you!

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