soulmates (Remove filter)
Wayward Souls
He kisses your shoulder,
then your cheek.
His touch makes your knees weak.
How do I know?
Before you, and a dozen more,
it was me.
Now, I’m a faded memory,
as you will be.
Don’t believe me?
I too used to laugh at the absurdity.
He could never leave me.
As he grows older,
his women get younger.
Curiously, they look like me at 23.
How cruel fate ...
Sunday 14th March 2021 6:43 am
Todo el Tiempo
I think about you all the time,
without reason or rhyme.
You are like a tattoo,
on my mind.
Todo el tiempo.
Enternal souls,
Dancing, dodging,
in this cosmos
for a little while.
Creating sparks of love,
to lessen lonely nights,
and light up dark skies.
Saturday 13th March 2021 10:39 pm
Souls Remember
What is it about you that captivates me,
leaves my heart with a gaping hole.
You stay at bay,
but your muse has much to say.
Your poetic love shines,
creating a portal in time.
We share a cosmic kiss,
before falling into life’s abyss.
Souls remember,
what the mind forgets.
Friday 18th December 2020 5:55 am
We are as different
as the sun and moon,
circling the same universe,
with an omnificent God
you don’t believe in,
for adventures in love,
you among the trees,
me with my muse,
who today, lives in you.
Sunday 4th October 2020 7:33 pm
Maybe Next Time
Maybe next time,
I will get it right,
put up more of a fight,
won’t settle,
take control of my life.
Maybe next time,
I will find fortune and fame,
learn how to play the game.
Maybe next time,
I will see it through,
know the right thing to do.
Maybe next time,
you will love me,
as much as I love you.
Tuesday 8th September 2020 2:12 am
Lucid Dreams
I want to sleep, so I can dream.
Dreaming makes the pain go away,
weakens my prison walls,
so you can rescue me.
I feel your warm breath on my face,
your loving embrace...
Hand-in-hand we run through the lush,
exotic island.
Our laughter echoes among the trees
as we look towards the horizon and
see eternity...
Dawn beckons me.
I don’t wa...
Friday 20th March 2020 12:54 am
Muses, Sins & Soul Ties
Is it a sin for your muse
to inspire mine,
provide momentary escapes
from loneliness, pain,
the daily grind,
give words to fantasies
of the mind,
connect soul ties.
It’s hard to believe
a God of love
would consider musing
a crime.
If it is, that’s not a religion
to which I subscribe.
Saturday 29th February 2020 12:34 pm
Kindred Spirits
How can it be that you
are on the same
spiritual path as me...
God exists as
infinite energy.
We keep coming back
as various entities
until we learn
life lessons
from history.
Love is eternal
as it should be.
Writing is our way of
understanding everything.
We cross oceans of time
to find our flame.
Kindred spirits we are,
lost and lonely...
Saturday 8th February 2020 3:39 am
Shadow Dancing
My shadow dances with yours
in the abyss of silence,
head down, darkness all around,
waltzing towards sparks of light
from our melded soul.
Sunday 26th January 2020 4:22 am
You disappeared without a trace.
For years I didn’t see your face.
I believed the lies,
that you died.
Maybe you did,
on the inside.
Your essence never went away.
Behind me, beside me, within me
night and day.
You haunt me.
That’s the way I want it to be.
Love is a mystery.
Tuesday 7th January 2020 1:58 pm
Destiny Bound
You think you can
break my heart
without breaking
your own?
We are one.
Your tears
are my tears.
My tears stream
down your face.
Interwined energy,
we try to escape,
but it keeps pulling us back
to this silent space.
You turn away,
nothing to say,
rue the day.
I laugh through the tears,
because I know we will be
bound again for years,
Our des...
Monday 28th October 2019 1:04 am
My Pied Piper
I drink of you often
in my day dreams
about night things.
When I'm lost and alone,
you soothe my soul
with your sweet melody
that dances on the wind
and carries me
to a faraway place
where love never ends.
# # #
Wednesday 23rd October 2019 5:36 am
Love Letter to My Muse
All day long
I think of you.
I can’t wait to get home
to be with you,
to feel your ink drip
between my fingers.
You are my love,
my passion,
my muse.
I know you will
never leave me.
We are bound
by a legacy of words,
that braids our soul.
Our poetry echoes
through time and space,
leaves a soft place
for broken hearts to land.
# # #
...Monday 23rd September 2019 5:40 am
Love Lessons
He loves her but,
she loves him,
but he loves the mirror
like his lost love loves selfies.
Adoration, pointing every direction,
like weather vanes in a hurricane.
Each unware their
love affair
is bound to end.
Love lessons often repeat
until we understand that
real love begins within,
then overflows to others,
making the circle of love
Tuesday 26th March 2019 3:39 am
Soul Mates & Muses
You found your
soul mate?
I’m genuinely
happy for you!
and unicorns
are more common
than soulmates.
Please, do the lost
and lonely among us
a favor of great
Make her
your muse
so we can
feel love too.
Sunday 10th February 2019 4:21 am
About Us
Passion consumed
eventually fades.
Passion capped
pursues us
beyond the grave.
This revelation
helps me understand,
our encounter was
never about us.
It was about our muses
intertwined in the
world of words.
We were denied
the lasting passion
we searched for
so we could write
our soul songs
for seekers
to see
the ectasy
and despair
that accompan...
Sunday 20th January 2019 4:35 pm
My Dopamine
Your words flow
though my veins
and light up my soul
like nothing
I've ever known.
Chemical alchemy.
Cosmic destiny.
Beyond comprehension.
From another dimension.
Steam. My dopamine.
Thursday 10th January 2019 12:54 pm
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