passion (Remove filter)
Shine On
Don't ever let anyone convince you
to not share your soul songs.
The weaponized words
they hurl towards you,
are formed from
their own insecurities.
You get one shot,
in this time and space,
accompanied by
crabs in a bucket,
and a host of other cliches,
determined to control
your creative mind.
Give in to dark energy,
and you become it.
Rise above it.
By sha...
Tuesday 5th January 2021 2:22 pm
I Am Poetry
I am the hunter of whispers.
I am the gatherer of brothers and sisters.
I am wind beneath wings, soaring in a summer sky.
I am the chiseled smile.
I am sparkles on snow.
I am a symphonic echo.
I am the horns and halo.
I am afterglow.
I am the you everyone wants to know.
I am everywhere you go.
I am the aha of heartbreak.
I am gamma rays beaming through dark days.
I am ...
Tuesday 6th October 2020 5:58 pm
Books, Music & Poetry
I love being surrounded
by books, music and poetry.
Each one comforts me,
provides a healthy escape
from too much reality,
an alternate destiny,
full of adventure, passion,
rhythm and rhyme.
I will choose books,
music and poetry
over life’s drama
every time!
Saturday 26th September 2020 10:37 pm
Your words are a
breath of fresh air.
It warms my heart
to see you at the
pantheon of passion,
creating a lyrical legacy,
writing love letters
across the sky,
of a beautiful dream.
Tuesday 4th August 2020 9:50 pm
The One
People haven’t always
been there for me,
but the muse always has.
Lighting my path,
healing heartbreak,
the one making life fun.
Makes sure suffering is not in vain,
dances with me in the rain,
stays beside me come what may.
I return the favor by making
my muse’s words known.
Spreading love as we go.
Sunday 26th July 2020 10:29 pm
Shall We Dance
Ah, the magic of night
when obligations are over,
another adulting day in the books.
I rest my weary body,
set my boggled mind free
with a little poetry...
Your words await
like a teen with a corsage
to take me to the prom,
where we twist and twirl
under twinkling dollar store stars
and a paper moon.
Happy memories pop up
among technicolor...
Saturday 21st March 2020 2:55 am
Artists & Critics
She doesn’t sing to win awards,
she sings to breathe life to her soul,
connect with spirits tuning in,
let them know they are not forgotten.
She knows she will have critics
that judge her art lacking.
Their negativity is nothing she hasn’t
overcome from herself a million times
on her rocky road to freedom.
She smiles as the ivory tickles her left palm,
Saturday 7th March 2020 12:54 pm
In Search of Mermaids and Lighthouses
In search of mermaids and lighthouses
is where you will find him and me.
Seeking sea things sets us free
from daily monotony,
broken hearts,
Advil bodies.
We thrift shop with childlike wonder,
forgetting about adult things
like settling debts,
stagnant relationships,
Mermaids and lighthouses
beckon us to dive into a green-flag
ocean of time
Monday 24th February 2020 5:15 am
Que Sera
Que Sera Sera
I loved you.
You loved me.
We lived life
in perfect harmony,
wild and free...
Until some pretty young thing
lured you away from me
lies replaced honesty,
trust evaporated completely.
Now we spend our days
dreaming, separately
of how good life used to be.
Que sera sera,
You love you.
I love me.
Without possession,
passion, jea...
Thursday 6th February 2020 4:39 am
I want to tell you how incredibly
imaginative, creative, talented
I think you are with your poetry,
writing, music, art...
but I hesitate to expose our
eggshell-covered egos,
fuel rejection,
ignite impostor syndrome...
all live wires
that threaten to electrocute
our fragile muse
into submission
of a numbed,
comfort-zone life.
So, instead of shouting
...Wednesday 5th February 2020 3:15 am
Over and over,
I see your name
like a tattoo
on my brain.
A flame
that ignites
not on deed or fame,
but simply a name.
A tag, reminding us
who we are:
dreamer, poet,
old soul,
who despite living
an alternate reality,
believes in passion,
love, happily ever after...
Sunday 12th January 2020 9:00 pm
Dancing with Poets
Thank God for kindred spirits
who get it,
this lyrical love affair
that consumes our days
and lights up starless nights,
that eases the strife
of a messed up life,
that creates a paradise,
where passion pervades,
and love never fades.
# # #
Tuesday 10th December 2019 9:00 pm
Go for the Glow
Go for the glow
of good health.
Go for the glow
of a clear conscious.
Go for the glow
of forgiveness.
Go for the glow
of dreaming fearlessly.
Go for the glow
of giving generously.
Go for the glow
of loving unconditionally.
Go for the glow
of a life well lived.
Friday 16th August 2019 4:41 pm
My Entity
Wherever I go,
there you are.
I see you
in stormy skies.
I feel you
in twilight.
I smell you
among the pines.
I hear you
whispering at night.
I taste you
in the words of every love poem.
You are nowhere to be found,
yet always around.
My entity,
you are the part of me I long to set free.
Monday 29th July 2019 3:50 am
Gilded Cage
Time after time
I give you another chance
to prove you still care.
You respond with
the venomous bite
of a rattlesnake.
How much more
poison can I take
before I am consumed
by the same dark spirit
that possesses you?
I know I should run
far away
but I have convinced myself
of the old cliche...
better the devil you know
than the devil you don't.
I know what to ex...
Saturday 23rd March 2019 1:44 am
Stupid Cupid
I see you lurking about
making him say
sweet nothings
to lure me out.
This time
I am being smart,
walling off
my broken heart.
Using your
flaming arrows
to paint the sky.
Let the world know
you are really
not a nice guy.
You are a trickster
who makes girls cry
with your stupid lies.
My schooled soul
knows the truth
Romantic love
is an illusion,
Friday 15th February 2019 2:40 am
Yin-Yang Love
He loves me?
He loves me not?
Questions I have
asked myself a lot
since the day
I said I do.
Yes, he has a
wandering eye,
avoids intimacy
like I am
the blessed
Mother Mary.
Yes, he has a
hair-trigger temper,
can top Pinocho
with his lies.
Our love is
but I no longer
question why.
After four decades
in the trenches,
I have learned
to focu...
Wednesday 30th January 2019 10:30 pm
I could fill a barren sea
full of tears I've shed
for a moment with you.
I learned to focus only
on the good it led to.
What purpose does it serve
to open old wounds
except to serve the
greater good.
So, I bellow not
unless it can be
a beacon
for mermaids
coming ashore.
Sunday 27th January 2019 6:09 pm
About Us
Passion consumed
eventually fades.
Passion capped
pursues us
beyond the grave.
This revelation
helps me understand,
our encounter was
never about us.
It was about our muses
intertwined in the
world of words.
We were denied
the lasting passion
we searched for
so we could write
our soul songs
for seekers
to see
the ectasy
and despair
that accompan...
Sunday 20th January 2019 4:35 pm
Forever ago may seem
like 20 years of gray,
but I live forever every day.
There is no escape.
It's not the passion I miss,
I keep that memory sealed
in a concrete kiss.
It's the lyrical
soul connection
that went on months
before our egos
got in the way.
In the forever between
tears and heartbreak,
we managed
to find ourselves
and our destiny, here
on this pag...
Tuesday 15th January 2019 7:09 pm
My Dopamine
Your words flow
though my veins
and light up my soul
like nothing
I've ever known.
Chemical alchemy.
Cosmic destiny.
Beyond comprehension.
From another dimension.
Steam. My dopamine.
Thursday 10th January 2019 12:54 pm
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