The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 54 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

innocence (Remove filter)


I see you flowering her 

the way you once did me. 


Playing virtual footsies,

oozing lyrical chemistry. 


Move on they say, 

look the other way. 


And so it shall be, 

my focus is on me.


Sowing wildflower seeds, 

shining in the rain, 

dancing through the pain, 

singing in a field of weeds.

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Shall We Dance

Ah, the magic of night 

when obligations are over, 

another adulting day in the books. 


I rest my weary body, 

set my boggled mind free 

with a little poetry...


Your words await

like a teen with a corsage

to take me to the prom,

where we twist and twirl

under twinkling dollar store stars

and a paper moon.


Happy memories pop up

among technicolor...

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Spanish Rose

My beautiful Spanish Rose, 

  the most fragrant flower

    in a crowded garden,

      withstanding harsh winters

        and choking weeds

          to remain



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New Year Addiction

Those few seconds before the new year

when the countdown begins,

my soul soars with so much hope and joy.

When the ball drops at Times Square,

there is a momentary

return to innocence.

As the confetti flies and music fills the air,

I imagine we are a world at peace...

no worries, no violence, no division,

just a few beautiful seconds of clarity and simplicity

that dis...

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countdownhappy new yearhopeinnocencejoypeacerealitytimes squarevisionaddiction

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