poems (Remove filter)
He's So Peaceful When He Sleep's
{He's So Peaceful When He Sleep's}
It might be weird that I do watch my loving man sleep because it's absolutely adorable to me
and when he lays so peacefully still with his arm around my waist and as I lay beside of him memorizing every line, every wrinkle, every freckle, everything on his face
so hopefully I will never forget his face due to chiari because it caus...
Wednesday 4th July 2018 9:12 pm
I Am Not Okay
{I Am Not Okay}
I am not okay
I am not happy
I am not sure if I want my life to continue on living this freaking nightmare
I am not beautiful
I am the one everyone calls the ugly duckling
I am a incurable plagued person
I am depression
I am suicidal
I am a lost cause
I am hurt
I am pain
I am sickness
I am a invisible person that no one attends to see beyond the sick...
Friday 23rd March 2018 2:29 am
Why~Why Did I
{Why~Why Did I}
Why did I love you
Why did I care for you so much
Why did I you break my heart into for
Why did you promise me the world and to be your forever queen and all I got was these washed out bull shit lies and dreams from you that rings out loud inside of my head that I wish was freaking dead
Why~Why did I
Why did you leave me in this unforgettable heartache to dro...
Wednesday 21st March 2018 2:25 am
Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #49 (Doobie-Doobie)
Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #49 (Doobie-Doobie)
When the doobie-doobie drugs don't work any more girl you are just a fool if you think love don't hurt because hot damn it does that's why one more blow to sniff until I cannot breathe
And when the doobie-doobie-doobie don't work any more as one more sniff and one more puff and popping one mor...
Thursday 8th February 2018 9:24 pm
Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #48 (His Fine Self)
Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #48 (His Fine Self)
His fine self
Had my heart bumping, thumping to the never ending thirst of his endless muscles that was rippling like the ocean waters beneath our feet touching every base of my body that had me longing for you to touch me all over my body because it aches for you and do you wanna reach for the never ending thirst fo...
Friday 2nd February 2018 3:25 am
Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #18 {He Just Don't Realize That I Still Care}
{Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #18} {He Just Don't Realize That I Still Care}
He treats me like
I never really even
existed to him even
when I did `n` now wish
I didn't exist to him
but in his reality I
don't or never did but
I still do care though
`n` he doesn't care about
me or never really did
because if he did he
would at...
Sunday 10th December 2017 10:26 am
How Do I Stop Thinking Of Him?
{How Do I Stop Thinking Of Him?}
How do I stop thinking about him because it's been made clear he sure as hell ain't thinking about me
I honestly don't get it am I that bad of person that he does me this way
Please tell me is it me or did you not understand my rare brain disease and the side effects of it or did you simply find it amusing to fuck my li...
Saturday 2nd December 2017 10:49 am
Bad Luck With Love
{Bad Luck With Love}
He was my love that cought my ? heart by the thing's he would say and show me but now he faded away like our love never meant anything to him
But it did me for what it's worth now
I miss the longing of his voice saying I love you
But now my bed is cold on one side as I lay alone tonight writing this hoping one day it might find it's...
Saturday 2nd December 2017 10:00 am
Only Love Him
{Only Love Him}
Only love him when you have to let him go
No matter how much it hurts you but you have to let him go
©One_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Glover 12/02/2017 all rights reserved
Saturday 2nd December 2017 6:02 am
My Juicy Bubble Gum Yum~Yum
{My Juicy Bubble Gum Yum~Yum}
He loves my juicy bubble gum yum~yum....
He loves to smash my juicy bubble gum yum~yum...
He loves the way my juicy bubble gum yum~yum bounces the fastest like a booty~dew in a dance shake off contest...
He loves to smack my bubble gum yum~yum leaving his hand prints on them...
He loves to rub his hands all over my juicy bubble gum yum~yum ...
Saturday 2nd December 2017 1:27 am
His Southern Berry Yum~Yum
{Southern Berry Yum~Yum}
He loves his southern berry yum~yum that he can't get enough of because he yearns for more and more of his southern berry yum~yum
©One_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Glover 12/01/2017 all rights reserved
Friday 1st December 2017 11:16 pm
I Know You Want Me
{I Know You Want Me}
I know you want me...
You know I wanted you too...
I know you needed me...
I know I needed you too...
I know you desired me...
I know I definitely desired all of you until the very lasting drop's of you and then some...
I know you loved me...
I know that I still love you so much that it's destroying my world...
I know you devour all of me...
Friday 1st December 2017 10:17 pm
Sister's By Blood But Distant By ? Heart
{Sister's By Blood But Distant By ? Heart}
I miss my sister by blood she once was my sister not just the sister she's pretending to be today
{And I miss my blood sister}
Because as children we laughed, cried, played and loved each other like only blood sister's could do
{And I miss my blood sister}
But as we grew up got older...
Friday 1st December 2017 9:12 pm
Just A Lick
“Just A Lick”
Lick all of me
and lick all
of my sweet
delicious holes
until you make
me cum and
until I am ozzing
with all of my
sweet delicious
jucies that are
flowing from all
©One_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Glover 12/01/2017 all rights reserved
Friday 1st December 2017 12:25 pm
I Have Listened
“I Have Listened”
I have listened
and I have played
and I have obeyed
to your commands
so now it’s time
you give me some
we both can get
laid since I was a
good girl and played
with you today
©One_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Glover 12/01/2017 all rights reserved
Friday 1st December 2017 12:12 pm
The hayloft love making
baby it was so sweet to
my burning infatuation
and body as you gently
laid me down on the
straw bedthen kissing my
whole body and you
even had my toes
tingling and then
you started to work
your sweet sex magic
while making me sigh
loudly because it was
like the first time we
made love all over
again baby the...
Friday 1st December 2017 11:57 am
Pleasure Me
“Pleasure Me”
Baby please pleasure me
with you kissing my
neck then nibbling on
my lips while working
your way down my
endless curves and as
you caress them with
your hand and finger
tips while running your
lips down my sides as
I sigh a little bit with
my body shaking with
excitement from me
wanting you and baby
it feels so wonderful
Friday 1st December 2017 11:42 am
The Pain
{The Pain}
There is pain in my? heart that always hurts so deep that it never departs from my aching? heart
And it's the pain of us being apart
A bad pain of our two heart's being so broken and torn apart
That never makes it's final departure
©One_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Glover 12/01/2017 all rights reserved
Friday 1st December 2017 11:02 am
What We Deserve
{What We Deserve}
You hurt me more than what I did deserve
Because I loved you more than what you deserved
And one day soon someone will pay you back the same way you done me
Because that's what you will definitely deserve
©One_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Glover 12/01/2017 all rights reserved
Friday 1st December 2017 10:30 am
Sadness Has Stolen My ? Heart
{Sadness Has Stolen My ? Heart}
My ? heart is hurting so much beyond any word's I can ink down
And the pain is tearing up my? heart and soul up
And someone please tell me how I can retrieve it
Because now the life filled with sadness of a lost love has forever stolen my? heart away
And as I'm still trying to revive it today ...
Friday 1st December 2017 9:49 am
I Run Away From You
{I Run Away From You}
I run far away from you these day's because it hurts me to even exist anymore without you but you don't or care about that shit do you no you don't
But if it was the other way around you would have been long gone a million year's ago
But now I'm always running non~stop because the hurt of not having you is more than my ? heart is will...
Friday 1st December 2017 4:34 am
Diseased Brain
{Diseased Brain}
Some day's I wish my brain worked like other's brain's did of being normal but since I was born this way I can't help it when my thinking or writing gets messed up with backwards word's or being out of place but I do fix them if I catch them
But if I could help it I would but sometimes I have no control over that and it's like chiari takes over my train of th...
Friday 1st December 2017 2:55 am
Just Maybe
I try to be there by your side throughout the year’s but now the time has come for you to be by my side through this incurable illness I am dealing with but I’m left out in the cold waiting for you and maybe that will change before I’m dead
©One_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Glover Originally Writte...
Thursday 30th November 2017 8:38 pm
Popping Pills
{Popping Pills}
A bad habit of popping pills like that old tapped out addict that is looking for their next fix like a cocaine rockstar on their best high of their life
But when they come down off of that rockstar high then reality set's in then they withdraw from friend's and their family while trying to hide their pill popping addiction
But now they cannot do it anymore...
Thursday 30th November 2017 7:09 pm
Invisible ? Ghost Writer
{Invisible ? Ghost Writer}
The background scenes of a ? ghost writer that is transparent and so invisible to the outside world around her as she keeps her invisible identity hidden beyond the fences of her ghostly safety because she has been abused, beaten, verbally abused at the hand's of society and you that has left her broken for year's and as the ghostly female writer hates that she ...
Thursday 30th November 2017 5:57 pm
Delicate Rose Bud
{Delicate ? Rose Bud}
She was a pure gentle delicate ? rose bud that needed tender love and care because she was in fact so fragile that she had such a beauty that made her stand out on her own but the ? rose bud was so scared that she would eventually break with the wrong little bitty move but she pushed on through to grow so big and strong that she could set out on her own way
Wednesday 29th November 2017 8:57 pm
My Chiari Journey
{My Chiari Journey}
My Chiari journey hasn't been easy~peasy but it's a journey I have never had to walk alone but I have always been chiari strong as the day's are long and as my conquering journey continues on
©One_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Glover 11/29/2017 all rights reserved
Wednesday 29th November 2017 7:02 pm
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