The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 54 days, 14 hours. Get details and Enter.

Haiku (Remove filter)

3 x more haiku about Change

Leaving you behind
your words fall between the lines
distant memories.


The past is a dream
rolling backwards before then
pushing us forward. 


Dreams of the past flow,
Backward rolling streams of thought,
Driving us ahead.

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haikuhaiku sequencechange

Three Haiku on Change

Faded migration 
The deserted church is closed
Disappeared slowly


Made up friendships
faded now, their story told
leaving your childhood


The passing of time 
the world moves on every day
losing memories

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3 x haikus about Lost Socks


Found in my drawer
A reminder of lost love,
Worn and full of holes.


Forgotten and worn,
A sock without its pair mourns,
Like love that is gone.


Drawer now empty 
that once held both of our socks,
Now holds only dust.

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Haiku in Bloom 2023 Parts 1 and 2


Spaced in the silence
birds land on top of the trees
welcoming spring back


Opening the gate; 
The grass is already moist.
Spring is here early.



(For #NaPoWriMo - National Poetry Writing Month 2023 - I am writing at least a haiku day set in Nature as many as I can in Shepley Woods near where we live with photographs to go alongside them.

The complete archive ...

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HaikuHaiku SequenceNaPoWriMo

Haiku (Sunday afternoon)

re-reading a book

for a Podcast later on.

making lots of notes.

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Ill health Haiku

new year illnesses;
coughing into the darkness
hope it passes soon.

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Global Warming Haiku 37

old piano keys;
crumbling in our fingers. 
coastline vanishes.


(From a currently untitled forthcoming book which may also have a cowriter too)


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haikuglobal warming

Snow II (Haiku)

Freezing village pond
ducks dance on the frozen water
skating over death.




(Picture from Alamy)

#Winterhaiku #haiku #haikupoetry

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5 days until Christmas Haiku

5 days until Christmas Haiku


Emptying the food shelves

five days until Christmas falls

panic rises high.



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Purely HaikuHaikuChristmasChristmas Haiku

Nearly Christmas Haiku



almost from nowhere;

Christmas sinks upon you all

counting down from 7 to 1.



(Image borrowed from beautyflash)

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Haiku in Bloom 30

Finding happiness
love is expanded facing
The sun together.



#NaPoWriMo (National Poetry Writing Month) Haiku in Bloom 30 and 30: (Now caught up and finally finished)
The full archive can be found at:

(Picture is of myself and my wife, Amanda Nicholson (also known as Amanda Steel)

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#NaPoWriMo (National Poetry Writing Month) Haiku in Bloom 22:

barely in focus

the sun dazzles you walking

out of the forest.





The full archive can be found at:

#Haiku #Haikupoetry #Haikusequence #haikuada

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#NaPoWriMo (National Poetry Writing Month) Haiku in Bloom 9:




Early Spring night

middle of forest is filled

with one swallows cry.



The full archive can be found at:



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Haiku in Bloom (#NaPoWriMo - National Poetry Writing Month Day 1)

Looking down a hill,
the soft breeze blows daffodils
into our faces.
(Full archive can be seen at:

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Three x Winter Haiku

Walking in darkness
your front door briefly lights up
in the heavy rain. 


Ripping out the trees
lighting hit the forest hard
flooding the river


Sleeping in winter
the trees hiberate alone
awaiting for Spring. 

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Four Haikus outside at Christmas in Yorkshire

Holding arms open

the snow tickles your shoulders

in a cold silence.




putting on your gloves

you wish you had your hat on

stepping in the snow.




Whispering winter

the snow turns the station white

shunning the moon’s scorn.




Opening the door

boat was frozen in the lake

freezing getting home.

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Peace from the Sirens

(Wrote the other week in a zoom poetry reading after hearing a Indian Poet describe about how they are constantly hearing ambulances going past their home with ill people from pandemic. I aimed for a haiku with this but the poem decided otherwise and it became a closeish Haiku instead)



No Ambulances

you long for peace

from the sirens




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Short poemHaiku

#NaPoWriMo 2021 - Haiku of Life (1984 and 1985)


We still don’t want you
your class team to said after
scoring twice for them.

(A early memory of playing in my class football team. 
It was not the best of times as I never really fitted in that class)


Waking me early
I knew my nana had died
before mother said.

(My mum’s mum, my nana died in hospital 10 years or so after 
the death of her husband, my granddad all...

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Footprint (A New Haiku)


The sound of laughter

is carried in the soft breeze

a footprint in time.

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Underground (Part 28 to 30)

(NB. Three more haikus on the Underground)



Asleep on the seat

He only just wakes up

Before it leaves.



As the taxi beeps

Outside he tells himself this

Can’t keep happening




Guitar in his case

The busker offers the tramp

Some of his coffee.

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haikuhaikusshort poems

Underground (Part 25 to 27)

NB. Three more haikus about the Underground



Northern train at stop

Pauses like it is watching

You walk your two dogs.




Getting hotter and

Hotter, it feels like the train

Is overheating too.




Pausing for breath

The guard wakes up the girl

For her ticket home.

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Underground Part 16 to 21

NB. Six more Haikus in my sequence Underground 



You smile after he 
Hides his wedding ring then slips 
getting off the train


September darkness
Makes the late running train feel
even much later  


He doesn’t wake him up
until he has missed his stop 
smiling silently


the first train sprints out
infused with an energy
into the sunrise.



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haikuundergroundandy nmini poem

Underground Part 13 to 15

** NB. Three more haiku about the Underground.

 (More to come too) **



Underground XIII

You smile after he 
Hides his wedding ring then slips 
getting off the train

Underground XIV

September darkness
Makes the late running train feel
even much later  

Underground XV

He doesn’t wake him up
until he has missed his stop 
smiling silently

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Underground Part 1 to 6


Out of tune busker
Pausing for a few moments
Opens up a beer.


Pausing for its breath
The train can’t look back turning
Away from the guard.


Getting off the train
You almost turn back round to
Get straight back on it.


Stepping from the mist

You feel like you are stepping

From a dark film noir.



Pausing suddenly

you think briefly ...

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haikushort poems

Disappearing in the midnight air across the meadows

Leaving no trace your

Feet disappear suddenly

In the midnight air.

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haikushort poems

Lost in a forest in pitch darkness at midnight



slowed down to silence
at midnight in the forest
even the birds sleep

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haikushort poemforest

A few short short poems (1)

 NB. I am rubbish at counting dashes with Haiku’s, so these maybe are Haiku’s
        or maybe just short short poems. 

 Enjoy Andy N

(New Website –
Lost in thought
I almost don’t see you
Say a nervous hello.
Even the wind-mills looked
Alone when the rain stopped
That morning.

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haikushort poetry

A short study

studying her quiet face asleep,
i can only guess how
far she has travelled.
NB. I think this is a haiku but as I am rubbish at counting the whatever's for it, I
am just gonna call this a short poem.

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short poemhaiku

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