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Underground (Part 28 to 30)

(NB. Three more haikus on the Underground)



Asleep on the seat

He only just wakes up

Before it leaves.



As the taxi beeps

Outside he tells himself this

Can’t keep happening




Guitar in his case

The busker offers the tramp

Some of his coffee.

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haikuhaikusshort poems

Underground Part 13 to 15

** NB. Three more haiku about the Underground.

 (More to come too) **



Underground XIII

You smile after he 
Hides his wedding ring then slips 
getting off the train

Underground XIV

September darkness
Makes the late running train feel
even much later  

Underground XV

He doesn’t wake him up
until he has missed his stop 
smiling silently

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Behind You

Next to the water

The wind chases behind you

Like a naughty child.

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