The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 54 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

#NaPoWriMo 2021 - Haiku of Life (1984 and 1985)


We still don’t want you
your class team to said after
scoring twice for them.

(A early memory of playing in my class football team. 
It was not the best of times as I never really fitted in that class)


Waking me early
I knew my nana had died
before mother said.

(My mum’s mum, my nana died in hospital 10 years or so after 
the death of her husband, my granddad all of us realising afterwards 
how she simply went to pieces) 

(Complete archive can be found at



◄ #NaPoWriMo Haiku of Life 1977 and 1978

#NaPoWriMo 2021 - #Haiku of Life (2000 and 2001) ►


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Nigel Astell

Sun 11th Apr 2021 01:43

Playing football counts
being in the team matters
scoring goals means not liking
is their problem.

Early morning call
faint cry a sign
someone close to you
has passed away.

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