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NATURE (Remove filter)

The Evo’s Gift - Forgiven Sin

The resounding sins, of

many echo through

their etheric karma

manifesting the

good intentions, of

Personal Truth


at the end of the day the air waves:

find their way back home,

when the sun goes down, and

the lights go out at night


lightning never strikes the same place twice

however, once in a while you wonder…How? 


In the world we live in —


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I was sitting beneath a magnolia tree in the park today,

I watched as a bird landed on a branch full of large, leathery leaves and pink flowers,

How it landed with its wings spread out proud,

Those elliptical, alluring wings that shame the rainbow,

Left me feeling mirthful, 

And I watched as it's tiny talons,

Firmly perched on the green,wet boughs

With a grip so tight that my ...

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Fairy ants

I feel special 

Every time is see

An ant with wings

And you should too

Cause they only have 

A few days to live

And they’re spending 

them with you

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Back To Nature

With my birdfeeder full

A bountiful supply

I think I'm giving nature a hand.

But as I watch nature unfold

It is she, that is helping me

By including me in her plan.



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The Ceiling And The Sky

In my innocence I was brave...

And knew no fear,

No boundaries, no limits, no doubts,

Unable to imagine my spirit contained.


The sky was open...

Then came that ceiling,

That flattened the top of my head,

And crowded my dreams with fear.


The ceiling was clear...

You could see right through,

Unwaivering and unmovable it sat,

Intending to crush my dreams, so...

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Glass CeilingSkyNatureDreamsFreedomFearDoubtGod

Alone In A Crowded Stream

The driftwood floats,

Down toward the rocky slopes,

Without a care in the world.

"I can't be bothered by those jagged rocks now,

In this cool water where I enjoy my ride,"

"Besides, there's still time to turn this around,

If I could just go against the tide."

"What a life this is being driftwood,

Where I go next is anybody's guess."

So I smile like nothing's the matter,


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Why Do Poets Ponder?

Why do poets ponder

The birds of the air...

For their beauty, their freedom, their song?

Why do they find peace in asking

Questions that begin with why?

Why are they so willing to share

The inner most part of their soul,

Hidden in symbolic mazes

With hedges high?

I guess what I'm really asking

Is why do I?

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On My Wall

Ladybug, ladybug on my wall

It was there all summer, but now it's fall.

It was there all season, but never found reason

To stand and fight, or take off in flight.

It just clung there helpless.... on my wall.

Afraid to stand, afraid to fall.


Not really sure about its gender,

Just watched it miss out on life's spendor.

Was it waiting there for a man?

Or for someone el...

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NatureHuman NatureBe YourselfCourageInsectsGod

Song of the Earth

My spirit’s faint, of joy and beauty starved,

Of late, this grieving heart has known but gloom,

So, prayers I’ll say on ancient Anglezarke,

And dance with Gaia, to a brighter tune,

Where soars my soul, between earth sea and sky:

Fear’s put to flight, in nature is true strength.

A lark’s song celebrates up there on high

The beauty of our vast horizon’s length,

The grandeur o...

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"2020 the trailer of 2021"

2020 the trailer of 2021

For the people, they both were so troublesome 

Had so many deaths and made the people stressed 

Hospitals had the shortage of beds,

Thus made the people realise the value of nature's shed

All were so scared,

but  some irresponsible and negligence, making others tensed 

by roaming here and there 

When the oxygen is so rare,

All other countries tak...

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Just blame it on the weather

Even though the rain is pretty

Blame it on the weather

I have no better reason

So I'll blame it on the clouds

I wanna cry

Cause it’s dark in the sky

Thats why I'm tired

That's why I'm lost

It's because of the rain clouds

Lurking above

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Seasonal Hate

You endure a tremendous amount of hate, 

Berating your presence as soon as you wake.


Their words echo off buildings, 

As the tempo of people gather in agreement. 


White smoke cloaks their bodies,

Fuming like chain smokers in harmony.


The crunching of their feet fleeting,  

Scurrying away to catch the heat of the bus,

Dirtying up the soft blanket you’ve given ...

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Written in Stone

an epitaph
covered in overgrown grass
numbers and a letter encrypted,
written to the deceased,
for only those who knew him
you’d truly understand

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Hot Spring

the plumes of a caldera,
and the dark clouds,
sun overshadowed,
at its core a scalding heat turned colder
because of similarities
shared this simile
for the changing of seasons, anew
an unforgiven embrace

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Table Manners

he wouldn’t let us leave
without paying,
for our meal

had to-go

then bantered with them
and, you ordered to make him take it back

the whole ordeal was a real headache,
I could feel tension in the temple,
and had to meditate, to
clear my head and relieve the stress

I wanted to post a pic of my meal,
but it was almost traumatic

Maybe, I’m just being over dramatic?

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Melancholics of the monsoon

Melancholic of the monsoon


Sluggish mornings,

Smell of fungus

in my slippery doorsteps,

Elongated bedtimes,

Slacking routines,

Hearing nothing ;but symphonies,

4 walls, headphones as my roomies,

Safeguarding books

And Reading them to cats 

To which they nods,

But silence alone growls.

Instant noodles,

And concurrent doodles;

Fills stomach and minds.


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size them up

had me my hand me downs
and, we all know too well known
if the shoe fits wear it

nicest stuff is worn out and she wore my XXL shirt around the house
her chores, get done…
one bra in the wash and no panties on

The first steps
commemorated with expensive shoes,
soles being broken in,
a mash of burning glass,
molten sand and in it,
it’s silica content

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approach with caution

veered off, routine stop, in the shoulder…
looking over your paper work,
keep your hands on the steering wheel,
“I’m not going to ask again”
repeated offenses
respect my authority

police officers
a ford mustang and dodge charger

government funded electric vehicles
take a look inside the hood, it
purrs like a street cat with a scratchy throat

cut the lights on and off
I’m just try...

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online attachments
“Hooks & Worm” viruses
hosted— a parasite

on the web
spider crabs
In their net

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walk the line

My turn
I’m going to
spin the bottle
no one ever even noticed me
in High School
our first kiss
needs to be perfect
you don’t get a redo

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love-hate relationship

obsession …
— envy us
in the way they stay upsetting

you’re setting yourself up for failure

possible optimism

two glasses
my other, half
fully blurry vision
they’re prescription
usually she has to squint
and hadn’t felt the planets tilt till now

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Red Dye Number 40

in pursuit of riches
snapped twigs, and
exhausted —
all my resources …
in the heat of the moment.

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Lost Angels

Tupac Amaru Shakur
Los Angeles

thug poetry

40 ounces of malt liquor
Olde English and calligraphy

slurring my words…
sounds as if I’m speaking in cursive

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take your shoes off at the door

I’ll take your coat

your hair smells refreshened
from the ozone
remnants of soap
lathered and rinsed out
in the rain shower

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attacking my integrity

questioning… me


I, was taught there was no such thing as a stupid question

second guessing…


you were impolite.

looking for answers in an inner view

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Stars and Stripes

big brother
little kids,
children in the middle
civil war torn nations


civil discourse

say your prayers

“Our Father”

we gather together to ask for salvation

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High Performance

Spun -
A burnout —
driven to madness
in a
drug fueled accident

What a catastrophe!

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The trees begin to wilt and fade;

Another year is on the fall.

Though autumn can defy the odds,

The winter’s cold is bound to call.


The daytime’s relegated role

Is limited to minor parts;

Discarded leaves drift down to earth

In patterns of the purest arts.


In nights replete with cloudless chill,

We shiver at the crisp-cut moon;

The powdered snow beneath our ...

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Mother Nature Appears To Be A Saint.

Autumn turned into the red October.

It made a fire out of colorful leaves.

It wasn't cold but turned into amber.

In rains and winds, it only believes.



In October Autumn has become just crazy.

In October Autumn has become a bit lazy.

Walking sadly, weeping with a lot of tears,

Hiding carefully its reddish face and fears.



The thoughts of crazy October torm...

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cellular division
the genomic sequence

time is a light matrix
encoded in
0’s & 1’s
goes on forever …
and, in that order
10, 9.

A singularity
and absolute zero

the big freeze or heat death

he said no one can help us
when, asking the universe
for answers

what, times any number
… is nothing other than zero

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Blue Moon

This tidal,
ebb and flow
of our own
mixed feelings
as a solution,
salted tears …
we are 60% water
these waves of emotion

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Blue Moon

This tidal,
ebb and flow
of our own
mixed feelings
as a solution,
salted tears …
we are 60% water
these waves of emotion

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Family Ties

and put in line
following the customs
of those, who
came before them

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Moral Support

We shouldn’t be embarrassed
to talk
…. about our problems
to a therapist

always looking at me, before you speak

I’m here for —You
if ever
you feel the need to talk about anything.

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Trojan Horse

Generation X
this ease
that is,
going viral…

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Web of Lies

like a spider
checking in on his victim
tied up, entangled …
makes me think
of a bad dream
the familiar feeling of
waking up to the news of death

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They say he has his way with the ladies
the bruiser at the door
thought to himself
hey, let’s not get carried away

what a light weight ...
they had been seen leaving together
after a fight—being broken up
over a year at least

she said to all her girlfriends
“it was like I was blinking
then my eyes rolled back
into my head and everything went black”

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Bible on a night stand

intermingling with a demon in the flesh
you realize your life was a lie
and your soul suffers in hell
for what feels like an eternal
date with death

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A child
talking black
to their parents
acting out of character
arguing about upbringing
taken back
some things are best left unsaid…

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Dark Side of the Moon

the premonitions
foreshadow people
who live lives with
similarities parallel to our very own

when your third eye intakes light
and all the shades disappear in the night
their life is vibrant
the dream seen as an auric phenomenon
it’s either that
Or, are you completely isolated
in the back of the black of your eyelids

see an oracle or dream interpreter,
our aura’s rainbo...

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Fog of War

smoking barrels
in talks —about the past
around the campfire

you could cut the tension with a knife

the only thing needed is a good sense of humor

…try not to lose your self along the way

the buddy system
side by side
do you trust that man with your life?
willing to take a bullet for them?
behind every great man is a great woman…

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Sweating in my Sleep

This is a dream full of desires,
and I like to think
when we go to sleep eternally

our soul
will not be without
the rest in heaven.

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My Way

A yellow leaf broke away from the tree. 

He thought he could live now free.

But it happened a quite different way,

Without a trunk, he could helplessly lay.


Laying lonely far from the trunk

He was feeling a little bit drunk.

Even though the others were around,

His happiness was not found.


I  wandered on the fallen leaves in the forest,

And the weather looked ...

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The Autumn And The Rain

Wearing a gray raincoat, with an unsteady walk,

The rain was so sad and didn't want to talk.

He remembered those sweet and beautiful days

When the butterflies flew among the warm bays.



He remembered a nightingale singing a song

And it looked as if nothing was wrong.

Now autumn melancholy and sadness

Replaced the joy of summer happiness.



The rain came acr...

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: The Barren Tree :

It grew in the wilds, a sentinel growing tall,

A mighty yogi in presence, embracing it all!

Branches reaching out, to the skies in a plea,

Seeking for the strength - to live it's destiny!


Its ancient bark, a wrinkled, weathered hide,

Tells a tale of the time's, swiftly flowing tide.

Inexorably which has grabbed, life in a churn,

On and onwards to - the lands of no return!


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Dubbed Subtitles

what I say goes —
if I say so -
don’t allow an application to control anything
they need permission in these settings
and turn down your background music
“for what?”
if I’m going to green light your on screen time

we cannot have anyone getting an extreme close up
portray a picture perfect image

believe me...

flash forward,
when you’re using the front camera shutter you’ll see


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Previous skins

Five years ago flew by

Now, already remote

The rolling of the years

They’re already afloat

Your past self

Already a ghost


When you stand still

You begin to grieve your previous skins

Wonder why you had to forget and kill

Old personalities just to multiply new

So, you cling on to specific moments

Promise not to forget, you never will


But it is not uniqu...

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memorylifepresentpastfuturetensesjourneyagingnaturelivespreviouspast liferememberidentitybrainconnectionmemory lossforgetrebirthmomentghostyearsmeaninglet gohold on

Creature of Habit

at times I find myself
with insight
into my third eye
the inward perception
of crystalline tears
holding onto emotions
looking for one thing

The truth

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Waxing Poetic

my love letter
stamped with a pair of pressed lips
then sealed with a kiss

the silent observer.
waiting for his moment
with the present

trying quietly not to mouth breathe aloud
smothered in your undergarments

while fire from the two flames
on a magic candle
over and over

like a brazier come undone

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The Vacuum of Space

star dust -
quantum particles —

and, strings ...
from the fabric of the universe

ashes to ashes,
A bindi
black glasses,
fragmented obsidian
and, an asteroid belt

A Shero
— deified
hereafter she received
Saturn’s ring.

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