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embers (Remove filter)


Attack the darkness, attack the fear

Allow goodness to grow

The mind to clear

Attack the emptiness, let the embers glow

Bring faith to the fore, it’s time for us to show

Show that we’re willing to stand up tall

Show that we’ll try even if we fall

Fall for a cause not by the wayside

Time to run, to charge at the fear

To know we’ve lived life to its cinder

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Burning Gold

you've ignited a fire

deep within my soul

that once was a blue ember

now burns gold 

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From Heart To Zero

Fires burn hot but rarely last

What remains is just embers

Our own love-volcano cooled

I wonder if Julie remembers


She went from heart to zero

Furnace turning to ice floe

Soul out of fuel and cooled

Flames flickering with woe


She was temperamental

Blew cold with the best

All or nothing the norm

I got chilled like the rest


She went from heart to ze...

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bellowschillembersfiresfurnaceheart to zeroice floevolcano

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