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On Death, Grief, and the Fragility of Life
On Death, Grief, and the Fragility of Life
Even before the moment of birth
We are surrounded by death
Before entering the world and leaving the warmth of the womb
Our first home
Even as we first begin to develop and grow our cells die and are replaced
Death is just one of many inescapable truths
But there is no need to distress oneself
Fret not for awareness of deat...
Monday 31st October 2022 6:31 pm
A chink in the armour
I think I found the chink in the armour,
I think I found your disguise,
I think I found what lies beneath,
The true character behind those eyes.
A slip of the tongue whets truth’s cruel form,
And shows me what had yet been unseen,
The wrong choice of word, adjective, verb,
Makes dirty what once had shone clean.
And with that mistake, a whole character shifts,
Monday 22nd August 2022 2:30 am
I sat on our favourite
park bench
Holding the echo
of your hand
Catching your smile
in glimmers of sunlight
The cherry blossom tree
crying delicate tears
of soft petals
brushing my skin
with gentle kisses
I closed my eyes
and saw you shaking that tree
Blowing all those little kisses
over to me
Your smile like the sunrise
Your eyes of sapphire blue
...Sunday 7th August 2022 2:04 pm
A Single Cloud
After you were gone
My heart fell apart
A jigsaw without structure
A mess of lonely parts
I think you took me with you
My breath, my life, my soul
For all that remained
Was this deep & vacant hole
One day I fell into its depths
Without thought of return
Crumbling to a waste of ash
In my own neglected urn
But, I awoke blinking
At the sun's ...
Wednesday 20th July 2022 8:39 am
I Wonder If...
I wonder if you
Ever got to hold
the starlight in your eyes
In the palm of your hand
When you left
I wonder if you
Spin candy floss
from passing clouds
And siphon cider
from the sun
I wonder if you
Weave blankets from dusk
And yawn
the colours of dawn
I wonder if you
Shower in rainbows
And shake the colours
upon waking flowers
...Saturday 7th May 2022 8:43 am
Love Not Fully Understood
God, I know you’re good.
You’re gentle and you’re kind.
You quiet the restless heart,
With words it cannot find.
You tether the most wayward souls,
Drawn away by the slightest breeze.
You answer the most daring questions,
With sovereignty and ease.
All you do is good,
It’s the only way you know how to be.
How else could the Lion
Befriend a sheep like me?
...Monday 7th March 2022 9:37 pm
My Bleeding Mother
My heart is hurting.
It can’t contain the pain.
It seeps like beads of sweat out of my body
And falls like drops of rain.
The rain soaks my shoes,
then bleeds through to the skin.
The cold of winter settles;
it settles once again.
I cannot save my mother,
Though she and I both hoped that I could.
But I’m afraid that a daughter’s love
Can’t always do the t...
Monday 7th March 2022 5:46 pm
I remember the lines
of your face.
the wrinkles around
your eyes
when you smiled.
the curves that
framed your
cheeks and lips
as you bared
your teeth in
a cackle or two.
your cheeks bounced
with a slight poke
to your warm,
oily skin.
your lips chapped
on the bottom left
from you constantly
biting throughout the day.
your forehead,
red a...
Tuesday 1st March 2022 5:26 pm
it went by so fast that i couldn't keep up
An empty room
Filled with bodies
Voices of different
Tones and pitches
And volumes.
Stifled cries
In the corners,
Whispered sentiments by the photos,
Muffled screams
From his mother
In the chair
To the giggles that
Came from
The pew of the casket
Where I laughed
With friends
As we reminisced
Of the days that
Were simpler.
Hands a...
Tuesday 1st March 2022 5:25 pm
Coffee With My Ex
"Why did it end that way?" she asked
when we spoke some years later
Two cups in we agreed
We couldn't find our way back
to who we wanted to be
It’s like our patched-up hearts
The bandages do come off
but they will never be the same
Wednesday 9th February 2022 4:14 pm
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