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night (Remove filter)

The Mystery of Night

They say the night has a thousand Eyes,
It's beauty no one denies,
The nocturnal passing is cool and crisp,
The mind creates ghosts from a single wisp,
No man knows night truly,
Man knows it comes by dark and cooly,
It has a feeling of enchantment,
Beholders are usually lost in the moment,
The glazed eye that is the moon comes ever slowly,
In the dark speckled sky, people watch them longi...

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nightstarsmoonthe moonthe nightpoempoetrypoems

tiny bits




tiny bits

WTF did oxford pilot do in the flying abortion he was flying? that question i ask. the darker part of war. that the villagers state is true, the answer. did the canadian pilot DELIBERATELY RAM the german hornisse heavy fighter? no of course not. the oxford broke apart under 20mm cannon fire. and the kraut was hit by debris. but the locals said he knew the hornisse would...

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warsuicideunknownsair combatnight

Evening hustle


I see Stars intruding locations between clouds in Misty formations. Trains chudder by as I gaze upon the first and last of tonight’s night sky. I gaze around so aimlessly and am always asking why. 


Distractions must enter and take me away. Allow me to see the beauty of each day. 

Taking me back to this moment right here. 


As the wildlife of this evening starts to becomes al...

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eerie mystery

A droplet rolling down a leaf,

a ray of sunshine lighting the way,

rain clouds coating the sky in gray,

all of it beautiful beyond belief.


In the distance a drawn out howl,

the night gives all a nocturnal cowl,

hiding in the shadows,

a quiet danger grows,

waiting for an opportunity,

a made-up monstrosity.


Both begin in an eerie forest,

it all depends on t...

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Something's Creeping...

Something comes creeping

Through the dark night

I look from my window

But it's just out of sight!


Something comes knocking

Knocking at my door

I turn the handle... slowly

But, it's there no more!


Something comes crawling

Crawling so slow

Shall I turn to look?

I no longer know!


Something is breathing

Under my bed!

I dare not look

'case it ...

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Scary maryGhostsnightfear


Moon Angel we talk through the moon
Sun rise at dawn settle at noon
Evening comes and darkness is ours
Oh blissfull darkness you give us the stars

Night streams and moon beams
Glistening waters
Reflecting on lessons the night Time
has taught us.
The blessings it brought us

Still many lessons and magic to come
Magical teachers the stars moon and sun

Yes there were hard times and th...

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scary night sounds

scary night sounds



he hears the night woods

soft sounds as well as scary


different from day woods


he lies in his cold bed

in cold room

hears frozen trees

grinding against each other

in the cold night wind

a hard unpleasant sound


hears distant sounds

far away in the hills

is it the sound of a wolf

or a coyote seeking a mate



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