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Dark Symphony

Where is that car going ?

And why is it getting so cold 

Im not sold on this thing called life just yet

Its a hate crime to be stuck here in this hell hole

Pain is digging deep in my soul 

Lately ive been on cloud 9 waiting to rain back down

Get wiped off the windshield splattered on the ground

Oh put it in reverse run back around 

Those tires aint nothing but the continous...

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darknessnappydapoetrevengecold on the inside

holding on

Broken sensations flood the brain,

attempting analysis would be in vain,

a relentless emotional maelstrom,

wreaking havoc in the mind’s kingdom.


The weather has settled,

a calm both before and after a storm,

stuck in a time loop,

ashen nimbi gather around with scorn.


A shattered refraction pierces the veil,

unveiling islands in various shades of gray,

paths ...

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When you left, you took a piece of my heart

When you left, my whole world came tumbling down

I became so lost

I was left in the dark

You took with you my light 

When you left, I learned to fight

I learned to navigate this world without you by my side

I learned to be strong to no longer rely on your love

You thought I was weak,

For feeling too much

Now, you're the one ...

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Swamp Child

Kneel before the rich black mud

the minty plants smell when bruised

she sees the double backed burden

spouting eggs into the brown tea water

shame gathers with the loaches at the bottom

as the dragonfly larvae pounce

and eat those who have just been born

the shadows hold no magic to her yet

Hands fly, she captures a creature

pulling its leg to keep it safe

pulling its...

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pondshadowshamedarknesslifemother nature


My darkness reaches new heights, 

I let my demons loose and they begin to take flight.

Ascending -- the gravity of my sins engulfs me,

and I lose the part of myself which was once light. 

The corruption then starts blackening my soul, forcing it to give up its unavailing fight. 

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My pain screams at the top of its lungs, 

Remembering all the: “if you need me(s)” now with silent tongues. 

Demons storm in and begin to cloud my heart, 

The spell of darkness showers and leaves its unsolicited mark.


My mouth stays still as I’m left without words,

Yet my mind fills with suicidal thoughts flooding in herds.

I wonder how it was to live my past life?

I hope...

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Broken feeling all alone

The dark surrounds you and all is still 

Time stops ticking 

Your heart no longer wants to beat, it no longer wants to live 

You hear a voice whisper 

You hear a voice call your name 

You fall on your knees close your eyes and pray 

You feel his strength 

You hear his voice say , "No more!"

God says , "Rise and grow!"

Have COURAGE to let go......

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brokennessCouragedarknessfaithgodhealingheartbreaklovetroubled heart

Shine On

Don't ever let anyone convince you 
to not share your soul songs. 

The weaponized words 
they hurl towards you, 
are formed from 
their own insecurities. 

You get one shot, 
in this time and space, 
accompanied by 
crabs in a bucket, 
and a host of other cliches,
determined to control 
your creative mind. 

Give in to dark energy,
and you become it. 

Rise above it. 

By sha...

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Abyssdarknessdepressionlifelightlost soulslovemusicpassionpeacepoetryrelationships

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