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Did we meet, now we have
Perhaps around my 10 I sensed your spark
With you toddling and sparking along your days
As I passed by, you learning to prance, pushing boundaries to play
Easing my mind as I drove on by
Between mum and dad to my nearby dunes
No metal men then, to spoil its grace
Just a place of happiness, joy a perfect space
My 20 perhaps a glance as we charged around town
You with your s...
Wednesday 15th November 2023 7:10 pm
Are you
a myth?
Some fairy tale figure
made in my heart
Or do you breathe
do you have lungs
that suck in the air
and a heart pumping blood
through your veins
If I catch you
in the end
will I feel
soft warm skin
in my hands
Or a cloud of smoke
through my fingers
Tuesday 21st April 2020 8:23 pm
Power of a Smell
I have been infatuated with your smell and sweet perfume for 2 years,
2 years have I been burying my nose in you like I am planting a new flower.
A flower in which I feel I know so well, because I am the one who gave it the chance to continue growing.
I was unaware that this flower would grow to the point that it would develop its own smell.
A smell I was entrapped by, and that was di...
Wednesday 18th July 2018 12:02 pm
We've met before
We've met before.
Somewhere between the sun, somewhere between the moonlight.
I speak to you as if it was the end of all things, you speak to me as if it was the beginning of it all.
Perhaps maybe we are both mistaken.
Somewhere between the stars, somewhere between the night.
I am simply observing, what you are and what was mine. Hoping one day, we meet again.
Maybe not as lovers but m...
Saturday 10th June 2017 10:18 pm
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