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Mutant Heart

it used to be fine between us

sexual habits taken as read

a cup of hot cocoa after telly

then off up the stairs to bed


she never really bothered me

if I was tired, she'd go to sleep

me dropping off with frank relief

no need to count any sheep


Black Friday that started her off

sex manuals on-line, going cheap

eyes glowing, her juices flowed,

her demands le...

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coronacoughingheartlatexmutantpositionsself-isolationsex manualsswabViagra

Dirty Heart

nails so immaculate

quiff by top coiffeur

works hours in gyms

voice a soothing purr


swims in hot cologne

really looked the part

nurtured in the mire

harbours a dirty heart


easy to smile and preen

glad-hand the unaware

suppress my defences

enticed me into his lair


had his way, I felt silly

cheated by this creep

trudged home deflated

felt m...

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Ageless Heart

marching years wear

furrows in our faces,

pits and wan hollows

no denying the traces


our faces look like hell

wrinkles so eerily bold

yet our hearts are kids

that'll never grow old


your skin was like honey

hair smoother than silk

hands, soft and tender

shoulders white as milk


honey and silk no more,

hands crabbed and bent,

shoulders thin and...

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Thoughts racing fast

Heart beating 

You can’t seem to find your mind 

You close your eyes and hear the thumping beat 

Thumping,racing, thinking could this be 

Energies so strong you can’t sit still and  breathe 

Thoughts racing fast 

Heart beating 

You close your eyes and hear the thumping beat

Thumping faster, racing, thinking could this be 

You tell yourself breathe...

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Breathenew feelingsheartanxiousbeatingloveenergy

if my heart were a well

if my heart were a well,

it would be deep.

during the day i would go about my life

but when it would turned dark, trying to sleep

i‘d sit by the well

staring up at the lights strung up on the ceiling you call the night sky

and i would grow aware,

aware of the hollowness

and suddenly i would thirst for a cool drink

my throat becoming itchy, i’d try to fill the well


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Love Happens

Love happens when you least expect it.

When you have your eyes closed and are looking in the opposite direction.

Love happens even when you shun it. 

Even when you curse it from the pits of hell love happens. 

Love happens and it knows why it came and how long it plans to stay.

When it happens it takes you by storm 

Love happens and with no words

Love happens and when it does


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loveFirst LoveLast loveHeartdreamssweet

The Cellars Of Your Heart

I stayed put, you moved on

With not a backward glance,

Its cold and dark down here

Hearing your merry dance


I'm in limbo now, forgotten

My spirit unable to restart

Trapped and left for dead

In the cellars of your heart


This place has other ghosts

Chains clanking like mine

Brooding sadly about how

You must be doing so fine


We're so near yet so far ...

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Horizons Dont Wait For Anyone

I wasted my life in a search for myself

Lost amid cul de sacs and blind alleys

Wondering just what it was I wanted

Sages say he is doomed who dallies


Horizons don't wait for anyone

Age creeps up on you like a mist

Years become vague phantoms

Its why I've rarely been kissed


I'm getting older but still confused

I always had trouble with my vision

Soon I wont s...

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The Deepest Caverns Are In The Heart

Some descend far under the sea

Others abseil down underground

But its inside part of each of us

The deepest of caverns are found


The deepest caverns are in the heart

Mysterious and echoing and ever dank

Grottos where dreams wither and die

Where a million loves dried and shrank


Love is deeper than anyone can go

There's no bottom to that chasm

Its a death zone...

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Words That Mend Broken Dreams

As fallow spells go, that one went

Not a sign of the partner I was after

Wit and charm were what I needed

Not yawns or cold careless laughter


Souls may crack like china ornaments

A heart may not be intact as it seems

When appears a fellow-spirit speaking

Words that can mend broken dreams


Her face was honest fair and strong

No beauty burnished her features


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River that flows in you

On a flowing river,

Crossing by the Mosis,

Trying to carry out a dozen of pain.

Felling again in your thoughts,

Smelling of the roses,

Standing by your side in your arms.


Would you like,

To me my life,

Crossing the might just for you.

Would you hold and be my soul,

Crossing the river that flows in you.


She said would you hold me,

God has just called me...

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lovelosshearttroubled heartsoulmatesriver

A Heart With No History

When I saw your wayward ways

My heart switched into reverse

This was far from what I wanted

An outcome so plainly perverse


Yours was a heart with no history

We were strangers, noon till night

The one I married was a mystery

A mirror that reflected no light


Tales you told me of your past

Turned out to be little but fiction

I stood next to a stranger when


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Everest Rose

cold roses strewn secured my love

engendering that rude wayward fire

moving my heart to defy tomorrow

trapping me amid my frank desire


she left only thorns stuck in my mind

without a word I was left overturned

ship-wrecked shocked and abandoned

I watched from afar as my life burned


her place was rank with faded roses

the old perfume of eternal betrayal

in he...

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r climberpitonosesthornsheartperfumebetrayalsting


no cause did she leave un-espoused

underdogs were her stock in trade

though slender, she was a freedom fighter

she was a brave and comely maid


we got together in mozambique

in those days that was the place

tending the wounds of a beggar

hers was a fine and open face


critics might deem her reckless

I flew out knowing she would die

she stood to wave, then turn...

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freedom fighterhearticemaid of orleansmaputorebels

Struggling in veins

Two hearts are beating in my chest 

one is right on time 

the other's left behind 

one is young, open and blind 

the other‘s tired, beaten and confined 

they are twins of different age 

both hunter souls, locked in a cage 

one is thirsty for blood 

the other has had enough 

though they are two 

neither can rest 

the constant battle puts both to the test 

but wil...

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heartmental healthphysical healthtorn aparttwo-faced

The Quiver Of Fond Lips

I never used to look at people's faces

My body language was out of kilter

Then I met you and saw the world

Through a life-changing filter


The thing about you that gets me

Is the quiver of merciful lips

On a mouth adorning the face 

That leaves my heart in bits


The quiver of fond lips cant be beaten

It makes my soul leap and rhyme

Should yours ever stop quive...

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A Perfect Afternoon

Leisurely and alone,

I was wandering in the museum garden.

Flowers were completely gone,

But deep green summer leaves fully grown,

And on each branch

Small birds all the way chirping:

Certainly for me a perfect afternoon

To be seated still and calm,

To be lost in poem-reciting!

But suddenly a wind arose

When a human voice caught my ear,

Saying low ye...

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Arrows of Rain

On the empty wall of my room

I think I'll put a picture of the rain. --


Hitting the ground,

And getting up to ankles,


The rain will be wetting my socks

And trousers from below;


Then my eyes will follow




...tick, tick, tick...

Everything in the picture,


Until catching a black brolly,

And the shiny enamel shoes...

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The Raging Heart

The very machine that gives life
could easily take mine away

The piercing from exhaustion 
punctures my living, my breathing
Every bodily function is affected
as I reach my hand towards the pulsing and thumping 
racing through my chest

I don’t want this to be how I end
I can’t let my kids see their mother this way
I hold on tight to life as I feel my chest tightening 

I sit, 
I br...

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Michelangelo said the work of art awaited him beneath the slab of marble, merely for him to uncover it. In my own small way I understand that as I write these days. The poem I know is possible waits patiently at the other side across a murky divide and with luck and patience maybe I can reach it, reveal it.

Here is  one I wrote about a barbecue years ago in the small town where I lived.



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lovelost lovebrokenheartedmistakesbroken heartsadnessregretmelancholydepressionheart

I Still Can't Believe the Depths I've Sunk To

U-boats patrolled the Atlantic, brave men if misguided

I sweat just thinking about all that ocean overhead

I'm sweating now not because I'm locked in a tin cylinder

It's because of what you've done to my head


I still can't believe the depths I've sunk to

I'm harassed and chided and regularly baited

I've become remiss about my personal hygiene

My professional standards hav...

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She hid in my chambers 

Stored her music in right atrium

As quiet as she stayed

The songs she would whisper 

Danced loudly in my veins 

I tried to drown her lyrics out

But the blood rushed all of

Her secrets to my brain

Every ventricle has coagulated 

Memories that are clinging to

Walls inside my heart

Causing sclerosis clouding my 

Better judgment to push her a...

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hearthiddenLovesecrettwin flame

Broken Heart

What do you do when the person that once brought you love brings you nothing but pain.

What do you do when the person you gave your heart too took it and threw it away. 

What do you do when your heart beats so fast it feels like it is coming out of your chest.

And the love you once had starts to change into tears and hate.

And that person that once brought you comfort and made you feel...

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Broken heartsadnessgod loves allfaithhearthealinglove poetry


For many years I walked in shame

With my head bowed down not looking anyone in the eyes

Shame for not being good enough

Shame for not being wanted nor loved

I sat in darkness wondering if I would ever be able to find light

Sat there wondering, if I would ever be worthy or enough

Then a voice whispered in my ear, " I am here."

The voice got louder and yelled, " I am here."


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godshamelovestrengthsunraysheartsmileyearningnot enough


Scream and fight,

oh little mind.

An endless battle

between you two


Always more than one,

never black and white

so you always fight.


Heart for love and lies.

Brain for truth and pain.

Listen to me I'm struggling!

Both of you take too much,

I can't keep up.


Fight for me and not with each other.

Fight for us and not some lover.

We need eachoth...

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i was cotton yesterday 



see, i thought you were my magnet 






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LoverelationshipsYoung LoveheartMetaphor

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