friendship (Remove filter)
A True Friend.
[ ] You're a friend through thick & thin with a heart full of gold & diamonds within.
[ ] A true friend whose honor I would always defend.
[ ] A true friendship I hope will never end.
[ ] I pray to the universe you will always ascend.
[ ] A helping hand for you I will always lend.
[ ] Divided we fall & together we win.
[ ] I was truly blessed by the universe with a w...
Friday 20th November 2020 7:59 pm
Sunday Morning Thought
I have been
Death has held me
Life has killed me
But you still think
You have the right
To give me advice
As if you’re above me
If you let me speak
You might learn
Sunday 30th August 2020 10:38 am
Anxious Ground
this bizarre plea for that dystopia
dug here with slumber
which might sleep for friendship.
maybe creep and demise passing,
a prayer and an assembly,
me and God in his chamber,
a euphoric chalice
that grasps a spade to dig
but who am I to find such bliss in the anxious ground?
I take a spade and dig
but who am I to find such bliss in the anxious ground?
Friday 24th July 2020 6:52 pm
A new Family
When I walked through the path,
Alone in the moonlight stars.
I found a stranger wearing smile,
Didn't know the feelings behind
Walked with her and saw a different world
'There I got a new family' - I loved
Didn't know we could get so close
That my life could be disastrous if we broke.
Hiding the feelings behind and faking the smile they left.
Hope of meeting again is the only thing they ...
Tuesday 7th July 2020 8:04 pm
#facebook,#friendship,#loss of friendship,#Social media, #lockdown
You don't have time and so
You're fading slowly from my life
Messages left hanging
Like smoke rings in cyberspace
But the fading is masked
By a feeling of liking and being liked
Which I tend to persist in
Because you still 'like' my stuff
As I do yours
And that seems to be a close enough equivalent
Tuesday 30th June 2020 5:10 am
My Friend
this mummifying is so glorious
give me the bandages to bury his face,
his closing caricature and the,
the one I desired to decorate
in seconds we slipped to the hours
holding jokes with steady smirks.
Sometimes I doubt we were sober
perchance drunk on endorphins,
fleeting his sorrow in airless punches,
ironic the satire we spoke fell flat,
spiked us stoned and still w...
Monday 1st June 2020 9:50 pm
old friend
Give me some time
to remember
who I was
when we met
you might not like
who I am now
Sunday 31st May 2020 6:02 pm
Same Behaviour
Repitition was key
But never the key to success
The key to her chest
Was hidden in the black depth of her soul
Repitition was inevitable
Outsiders were impatient
And also knowledgable
About what was likely to happen next
Repitition was boring
A different mask for her to wear
To hide the recurring sadness
That she endured from his actions again
Friday 29th May 2020 9:24 pm
Trust me
you`ll be fine
you’ve been through worse than this
mastered harder challenges
overcome greater obstacles
beaten bigger enemies
and never once
have you truly given up
never once
did you truly fail to find your way
and do you know why?
Cause that little fire
burning in your chest
refuses to go out
and keeps fighting
and keeps going
and keeps you running
and keeps you winnin...
Sunday 10th May 2020 5:05 pm
High Tide, Low Life
You paint yourself blue, always blue
this letter brings me down
perched upon a rusty trailer
paint peels over my shoulder
I've been drinking
since the boats were rested
on the muddy estuary bed
It's high tide, low life
high tide, low life
I won't stop my reaching out
if there's any way to help, I'll find it
you're so slow to take my hand
scratching at your skin for answers
I ...
Monday 20th April 2020 1:45 pm
New Memories
Squinting at the good old days
through a low winter sun
dreaming of those times
spent down on the sand
lost in the blue hour
or scheming on a journey
deep into the night
We could have gone anywhere
a can raised to the sky
and on our faces only smiles
for miles
and miles and miles
So many friendships
left behind at other stations
back down the tracks
My friendships; all are fraying
Wednesday 11th March 2020 3:41 pm
Blurred Lines
Echoing words through my head
Of all the sweet things that you said
Of times and memories of what we used to do
Just a little thing to see me through
My dear, it's clear
We aren't what we used to be
My dear, I fear
That’s the way it’s supposed to be
Blurred lines are once again made clear
It’s you with her
And me with him
That’s the way it should be in ...
Tuesday 18th February 2020 3:44 am
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