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happy (Remove filter)


Maybe the truth is I was never really meant to be happy.
Not in the sincerest form of the word anyway.
I'm content and I do have my happy moments.
But sincerely and truly happy?
I don't think that word was invented with me in mind. 

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Memory of existence

What a peaceful thought.

That you do not hold my heart as you once did before.
To look at you and feel nothing in return,
to be free of your soul.
My mind is at peace and so is my soul.
Yet you reach for me to be part of you at times,
It is not something I yearn for anymore.
What a peaceful thought has come to mind.
You do not hold my soul anymore and I will forever be ...

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Your boot is pressed against my neck
While you peer into the horizon,
A beautiful symphony of warm and cool colors 
Creating a mesmerizing dawn.
My gasps of anguish are muffled by your song.
I don't know how to get to my knees,
Let alone stand, but I'll try.
My face grinds against the ground
Attempting to make sand of stone.
You press down harder against my neck.
The pressure is astoundi...

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GOD Bless


Surely, I'm not happy 
To lose the best friend 
It is true, not funny 
"GOD" put the final end 

Certain hour, of the day 
Whatever we are or where 
We have to say Goodbye 
"GOD" is kind and fair 

No one plans to die 
No one remains forever 
No When , Where or WHY? 
Let's pray, no suffer

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Out Loud



Let your voice be heard 
Surely you earn and win
Let ideas more cleared 
For all women and men 


Tell me what do you think 
How did you see yourself? 
Freely talk, no blink 
Why to keep it on shelf 


Open mind and heart 
Nobody is remaining fool
Surely you're smart 
To become happy and cool 

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benazouzblinkclearedcoolearnfoolfreehappyheardheartideaskeepmenmindnobodyopenOut Loudremainseeshelfsmarttalktellthinkvoicewinwomen



Money is the soul to reach a goal 
It is the tool to play a role
But if you're miser or a poor 
No way to live happy and cool 


Luck is the wing across future 
but work is the core of the creature
To be strong even no wing 
Keep your effort to win the venture 


Poor & rich, should also search 
Money everywhere, we must fetch 
the only lazy .. also crazy 
Forever, no goa...

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acrossbenazouzcoolcorecrazycreaturecultureefforteverywherefetch lazyforeverfuturegoalhappyhopekeepliveluckmiserMoneymustplaypoorreachrichrolesearchsoulstrongtoolventurewaywinwingwork

Believe to Live


Be happy with what you have 
Then you will have what you hope 
Firmly, work and save 
Simply, you reach the top 


It depends on you more 
Than a reason or a cause 
Not because rich and poor 
Your brain, how much knows 


Do believe in God's Judging 
And gain your thought results 
God never asks a jumbling
But to be aware of the facts

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Glad to hear your voice 
Happy to be with you 
Always, you're very nice 
Whatever you say or do 


Lucky, to be your friend 
To share you fact and fun 
Forever together no end 
Shining heart as the sun 


Among thousand fans 
We're the mates in reality 
Sharing act and talks
Hearts believe in Honesty

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Show Me Your Teeth

I wish your body was mine.

I long for our souls to be tangled.

All I crave is connection.

All I seek is approval.

Our savagery is forever,

The killing of time itself.

All I can afford is hope,

But that’ll never be enough.

Take me away from the light

And show me your teeth.

I’ll always be weak to your desires.

So take out your frustrations on me

And leave this pi...

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I’m Out of Dreams

I can see your eyes when I close mine.

I can feel your panic when you see my lips move.

I don’t want this. Please.

I’ll push everything into a corner, where it’ll stay, and it’ll only be graced by a glance.

I’m going to push you away.

Expect it.

Crave it.

Let it nourish every fucking negative idea you’ve every had of me.









I have nothin...

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Save to live

Invest always your time 
Time is life, why to lose? 
Read and enjoy your hobby 
To be happy, you should choose 

Put your plan to save money 
Money gives you happiness to live 
Never plan to ask a loan 
But should be able, too, to give 

Actively, go for good change 
World never stop at all 
Give everything time to deal 
Surely, you'll achieve the goal 

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Lost in time

and then again I sailed in sorrow
a thousand times i'll do it again
in hopes that i'll find you tomorrow
in hopes that i'll see you again.

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Fly Away

She wanted to fly high

But was afraid to fell from the blue sky

She longed for someone

To come along her way

To guide her throughout

No matter what the world says


She would believe in miracles

She was never afraid to dream

If only that someone showed up

She would have been living free

Chained in the shackles

She longed to breathe

Eventually that someone sho...

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flyfly in skythe skya girlbutterflyhappydestinyFatemy worldlife

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