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To the heavens

On this icy night

I look to the stars

With questions

And teary eyes


I surrender

To the heavens

And embrace 

The chill in my veins


Standing still





My soul

Filled with hope

I still believe

I will love again

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Our rain



My face drenched

My hair soaked

Our bodies cling


The sound of thunder

Rain gloriously cleansing our past

Our kiss

Our dance

Our rain

Our love


A memory of our first glance

Our first embrace

Our first kiss


This is our rain

Our dance

Our love




Complete at last

Gone with the past

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Dare to dream

Dare to dream

Because of you,

I laugh a little more

because of you

I dare to dream again!


I am thankful

for this miracle of you


We share

We care

We dare dream again!

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A Sigh

A sigh

a beautiful sunrise

the smell of lavender

the chill of winter

a sigh of love in my soul


in this moment

I live

I dream

I love

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Memory of existence

What a peaceful thought.

That you do not hold my heart as you once did before.
To look at you and feel nothing in return,
to be free of your soul.
My mind is at peace and so is my soul.
Yet you reach for me to be part of you at times,
It is not something I yearn for anymore.
What a peaceful thought has come to mind.
You do not hold my soul anymore and I will forever be ...

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My Entity

Wherever I go,
there you are.

I see you
in stormy skies. 

I feel you
in twilight. 

I smell you 
among the pines.

I hear you 
whispering at night. 

I taste you  
in the words of every love poem. 

You are nowhere to be found,
yet always around.

My entity,
you are the part of me I long to set free.

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Let’s make a pact
let these shadows hold us
swaddled in secrecy
and breathing quickly
I see you draw in close to me
sense those lips loosening
my foundation questioning
the forcefield of your sly grin
and the delicacy of those fingers
upon me

Let’s make a pact
let this moment be our blueprint
to not accept a fading
or a softening of this urgency
I feel that magnetic pull...

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Pitter patter of the rain
used to remind me of,
muddy shoes and smelly toes..
But now, it reminds me of,
easy conversation,
merry laughter
& a journey I could have

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To Be

one thing is branching into many

forks and splays without me ready

how must I ever learn to sew

my love into some kind of show

to rain upon the crowd of truth

that unlike my heart, the mouth: uncouth


there’s a simmer that will not rhyme

or ever change with passing time


but when it’s thick and hot I feel

that sticky comfort of what’s real

wriggling the atmosp...

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to bealivelove

Murmur Love

Don’t be scared to put it out there
Don’t be scared to speak
sometimes what you choose to make
is pure gold

Don’t be afraid to paint what you love
Don’t be afraid to create
some things are bigger than you ever knew
eternal beyond our lives

I say go
and keep going
go and keep going
murmur love, if that’s all you’ve got

I love the way you carve it
I love the way you write
I love ...

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soul mates

Let's let our thoughts tango and let our souls mate

my heart on my sleeve, on display

she is my armor, forever with fervor

worth the search for, pain couldn't hurt more

Her radiance blazes, visually a spectacle

her calming presence.

In essence, my mind linger.

Drift off to the cosmos. to a place where space and time coincide

I see her constellation and engage, warp drive


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naturespiritualitylove makingspiritual bondshapelessspiritualpoetryearthPainlove



Chanting prayers, dreaming of ships just beyond the horizon,

Another day, another hour, just another minute he wishes to live.

No other choice but one, no other food, no other flesh but his own.

No other way to feed his unfortunate child.

In the middle of nowhere, on this desolate rock, he cut his upper arm.

Blood, not a drop allowed to waste, meat, sickening yet juicy sweet


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...Even Then, We Are Happy...

First, from nothing scarce.

From the significance in first tormenting light after leaving the dark.

I wanted to mention how love saved certain severances...The blood and clay…soul molded and punctured body of constellations…


How we break free.

How my star falls tonight.


Into the root. Into the wind to feel the soil again. Like his hands wavering the beginnings of sun and s...

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Why is sweetness doing wrong

Why eyes that make the day seem long

Satisfied, bound, no longer free

Absorbed by a face, pure poetry


Why words that stay and overcome

Why no punctuation, overrun

The current and the wave are one

Unfurled, unbothered, I’m undone


Why velvetness of such a dream

Why unfettered beauty, smudged but clean

A little wire taut, is mean


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loveshort but sweetdreamscape

Something New


We started out small

baby steps

we went from holding hands

to hugging

you weren’t used to it

it was foreign to us both

but we decided to jump in the same boat

slowly we start to row


to cuddling

we still have a ways to go

even if we aren’t always leveled

we still find ourselves rowing the same boat.

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lovesomething new

32 Days of Pain

the clouds are in a hurry

raindrops are shooting down

waves rush in their rise

flowers bloom within seconds


everything is sped up in the eye of my mind

and gets faster as days go by

and I spin

faster and faster in the shell of my life

waiting for the day it breaks and I can 

finally be released from this endless chaos

and then




and it slows do...

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suffering, creation, nirvana, prayer

TinCap’s log. Stardate: nowish.


pen dinging


Energy from a big bang churned in a sun for billions of years & several seconds ago launched earthward at the speed of light & deflected off stuff & hit my optic nerve which sent chemical-electrical signals into my neural network generating my experience of seeing an apple hanging on a tree.

Other energy - x-rays, infare...

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In the shower

I'm hugging the sun,

embracing its rays.

The window is open,

wind strokes me in waves.

Outside noise is numbed,

by the rushing and pulsing:

the only sound to be heard,

is of our hearts beating and lips parting.

Condensation trickles

down the panes of the glass,

its mist blankets us,

from any memory of the past.

In fact: it feels as though,

we are in a womb,


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Love And Everything Else

Let's take our bond
seal it within
a singularity

Let's celebrate 
and acknowledge it
There was desire
now there is

A new infinity
of love

I've been decorating
repainting everything
renewing the colour
drawing a line here

Like the world
I've been denying
but now I'm ready
and I'm sorry
for making you wait this long

It's time for love

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Im loyal

I'm dedicated. Not addicted. I'm in control. It's my desicion. I say what And I say where. And if you ask jus rig;;

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...Die And Live With Me...

Dark birds hover around the wounds of the mystic. They are thirsty.

I am forrayed emitting light. Swashbuckling my shadow. Descending. Invisible ethereal mist...

The fog attributed to the charm of strangers. Colors harbor the noisy cloud of confessionals.

I feel the foam of ruins. Mirrors with cracked edges. Silhouettes...

Doors sunken within eyes. Sunny shoveled graves. Hollowed out e...

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...We Are Us Jose...

I want to confess that the last minute is the bell tapered within his hands.

That single gesture of ominous struggle to wring out hazards and corridors. Rusted knobs like knuckles.

Eyelash fringe of frosted root. Cold clemency. Integrous beasts. We are jailed flutter. Inside. Within…


We free one another together.


I search for the maze of divine intervention and wings.

He i...

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...This Is Man...

They frame me in the milestones. Something like an unkempt garden. I am half naked in blizzards of truth. Temperamental hands unclothe me...




Because you love me whispers from adversaries blow at our threads. The nature of their beasts forget the importance of their Mothers...Of women. Umbilical iridescence floats away. Kites like thoughts lose strings...


I promise...

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