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First Love

I still think of you when I yearn for love

Your youthful smile and your glistening, droopy eyes flashes throughout my mind when I crave for love...

I'm not exactly sure why I never gave you a chance, when you made my heart dance like leaves in the wind

You're my ideal love but not ideal man, I guess I'm in love with the thought of you and not with you

 Although, anytime I think of love...

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Lovelate night

The Favor

Thank you for 

the favor

of pushing me away. 


For helping me see 

the price of loving you 

is too high to pay. 


For saving me 

a life of heartbreak, 

torment, and dismay. 


For all the things

you wanted to, 

but didn’t say. 


For apathy 

as I go 

my own way. 


I hope to repay 

the favor 


# # # 


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I feel like a lot of people say "love you death"

But what they really mean is "love you to debt"

Cause as soon as it goes south, they fly like a jet

I don't know much now, I'm still just a kid

But I know what I mean when I talk about this

I was only three when my mom and dad split

And a lot of friends, they've been through it too

Treat love like a game, and you'll only lose

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Destiny Bound

You think you can 
break my heart
without breaking 
your own?

We are one. 

Your tears 
are my tears.
My tears stream 
down your face.

Interwined energy,
we try to escape,
but it keeps pulling us back 
to this silent space.

You turn away,
nothing to say,
rue the day.

I laugh through the tears, 
because I know we will be 
bound again for years, 


Our des...

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Love Me

Let's be randy bad old dears

Then replay our younger years

Me in my chrome bath chair

I'm really sure that we dare


Make love to me cause I'm old and shocking

Feel free to peel off my elastic stockings

I'll cover you in baby oil

Rub you down and burst your boil


Oil my wheels and bring me gin

Show me how to do a spin

Take me over my zimmer frame

Don't forge...

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My Pied Piper

I drink of you often
in my day dreams
about night things.
When I'm lost and alone,
you soothe my soul
with your sweet melody
that dances on the wind
and carries me 
to a faraway place
where love never ends.

# # #

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I felt like a woman

I blossomed like delighted rain among your waters

soaked in delirium between the sheets


Hours passed...

sleeplessness rose…

the sweetest kiss traveled through the warm skin of my body

you laid upon me the whole universe

I was the fruit of your passion


The delight, the glory; an arsenal within you, inside me

afterwards calmness,

calm after being in your hands...


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This Chemical Romance


We’ve a chemical romance, we’ve got chemistry

We have covalent bonds that attract you and me


Our shared electron pairs formed a lasting attraction

We’re drawn to each other, a combination reaction


Our chemical elements were destined to bind

My yin and your yang complete and defined


When I’m in your embrace its Oxytocin heaven

You’re sweeter than Carbon12, H...

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Chemistrylovelove and romance

Someone to miss me

Preamble: this is a little ditty inspired by the beautiful but slightly puzzling song "Te Manquer" by Grand Corps Malade, with its refrain (in English) "I just want you to miss me".

Do I want someone to miss me
Or is it enough to know
There are folk that will miss me
The day I have to go?

Do I want someone to miss me
Or would I rather share
My time with those that would miss me
But don...

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Lovegrand corps malade

We Had a Big Argument Because of Continuing Problems Related to My Mental Illness and I Did Not Have Time to Take a Shower, I Love You and I am Sorry

I am itchy

My scalp is itchy

I cannot stand how itchy it is

I smell

My whole body smells

I cannot stand how smelly it is

I feel slimy

My feet and groin feel slimy

I cannot stand how slimy I feel


It is my fault

The whole situation is my fault

I cannot stand how this is my entire fault

I made you upset

I continue to make you upset

I cannot stand how I f...

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You hear me?

You hear me?

When spirits speak,
many will listen.

Hearing and listening
are not the same.

We may listen to the words,
and not hear their meaning.

Some one will say blah blah blah.
If that is you, please move on.

It's amazing how words can flip
the switch. You hear me?


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Dreaming Like It's 2004

I had one of those dreams again, the ones where we were just friends. You had no idea you were my every heartbeat.

We were on a trip somewhere, back in high school or something. You had a crush on the foreign exchange student I was rooming with. I was barely tolerating her. You invited us to hang out though, and I couldn't deny any second spent near you. We stayed late in your room listening...

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crushDreamshigh schoolloveunrequited loveyoung love


These violent delights have violent ends,

Come close and kiss me hard again,

Will I stay? It depends,

If after the sacred act,

I can stay upon my back,

Nestled in an unknown arm,

and tell my heart I mean no harm,

For is this sweat or are they my tears?

I've forgotten your name I quietly fear,

But really it doesn't matter,

When you live your life served upon a platter,


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The Winning Hand

In the dimming garden
beneath the belt of Venus
fingers grip a bottle
a nightcap alone

Finally, I belong
finally, I belong to someone
how I’ve run from this
for so long

Now, nothing makes me happier
nothing makes me feel more sure
of anything
than knowing that you’re waiting

There were so many jokers
in the deck
the two of hearts, too many cards
and still dealing, still dealin...

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