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do not be disheartened.

do not be disheartened
from the powers that be

they shape our media,
close our borders,
delegitimise our freedom,
emasculate our men,
oppress our women,
suppress queer identity,
profile non-white skin.

they take our taxes,
pay their bankers bonuses,
privatise and pollute our water,
shape our education,
control our minds,
continue colonial wars.

they steal oil and gas from the ...

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futurepossibilitypoliticsqueerlgbt+racismclimate changeeducationtaxpollutionidentity freedommedia


I liked the way he looked at me

Like I was the only thing he could see

or that was worth looking at. 


I liked the smile he made for me

A tailored face, specifically 

to tell me what he couldn't say. 


I liked the things that went unsaid

The message in the nod, the tilt of his head, 

the eye contact held too long. 


I liked his arms, skin brushing skin

A s...

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illicitpassionforbidden loveforbidden desiresForbidden fruitloveromanceadmirationcrushthe one that got awaypossibilityimpossiblefalling in lovethe endmemoryinnocent


Faces are dull, lamps are lit, 
The room is black and I am alone, 
Dreaming something but reality is different, 
I don't know what's going to happen 

I didn't know what will I do 
Stand upon the stool
Or see in a mirror like a fool, 
But I said to myself, 'I have to be cool'

Nothing seems to be different, 
As I follow the same me, 
I have no difference nor glee in me.

Everyone has...

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