The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 54 days, 13 hours. Get details and Enter.

whisky (Remove filter)

Scotch: a gentleman’s vice, a woman’s pleasure


Highlands and Speyside 

whisper my name


Single malt barleys

they’re not all the same


Some speak smooth vanilla

rich fruits, caramel and cream


Others boast a dry bite

smoky and bitter with peat


Delicately matured

in oak casks of all kinds


Diverse finishes of bourbon 

sherry, ports and rare finds


The greater the age

the steepe...

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new year

Another New Year’s Morning.

Smoked and smooth-whisky aged brain with a stab in the right temple.

Start as you mean to go on.


The primary glee of proverbial blank slates fresh starts new year new me           (new you, hopefully)

Rubbing my hands together and over the smooth cream pages of 2021

Ready to splatter in powder paint blue red yellow black pink pink pink..


A Ne...

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capitalismcovid capitalism. covid-19covid-19happy new yearnew years dayNew Years Evewhiskyanti-capitalist

A Whisky Adventure

From Cedar Ridge to Hunter's Glen Down Rowan's Creek, round Pinckney Bend Past Noah's Mill, along to Glenfiddich; Many have been on that Copper Run   Since Early Times, seeing Eagle Rare Watching the Old Crow and the Fighting Cock Giving a wise nod to the White Owl and the Wild Turkey Receiv...

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A Wee Dram

A Wee Dram

The dancing flames lick gently at the grate,
a bottle splashes amber to the glass,
soft chimes reminding that the hour is late,
aromas drift of peat and harsh deer grass,
the smoky mist of morning, with each pass.
The glow of bonfires as I gently kiss,
letting the rich swelling flavours amass
and burn upon my lips, no thoughts but this –
“how can something so bitter bring suc...

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spenserian sonnetsonnetwhiskyscottish whiskyheatwintergood cheer

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