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The dunes of time have shifted

Weightless memorandum

Reshaping lands and dreamscapes

The ticking of the clocks


Willows have shot through ether

Tears like falling bombs

Limbs quickening pressed to flesh

amantes sunt amentes


Stars have sighed their final

A panacea for kings

Ebony and ivory

Now slate grey slabs forgotten


And through it all

You sto...

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A Poem Making no Attempt to be Good

Now I know what they sing about.
Love songs, break ups, heart aches, make ups.
Every inch now rings true
Now my blue heart is squeezed and strained through the pain
That I might not end up with you

My body in revulsion.
I want to fall, cry, throw up or I may choke
You've broken
my heart and I've broken it too
But I love you so much and I don't know what to do...
But write bad poetry, d...

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