The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 58 days, 11 hours. Get details and Enter.

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no kisses here to speak of (Remove filter)


I've been issued a quest 
I need to achieve
A kiss, just one kiss
On New Years Eve
Is a kiss what I need?
I'm thinking not
Why buy into the hype
And hope for the jackpot
I'd rather sit home
Snug & warm by the fire
Than go to the pub 
In my party attire
But oh how I'd like
A kiss - just to feel
Like the new year was perfect
To make it seem real
It's what everyone does
So I'm led to...

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New Years Eveno kisses here to speak of

We Kissed As The House Blew Away

Remember when we kissed all night
in taxis
bar booths
in takeaways
phone boxes
in crowds
in fields
on cliff tops
white sands
in ostentatious style
with absolute certainty
standing in rivers
rolling on haystacks
in tents
in love…

To lose ourselves in kisses
was all we ever wanted
‘lose yourself in kisses’
that’s all I ever said

Do you remember
the last time ...

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no kisses here to speak of

Napkin 3 (5/23/15)

A partner in crime
blowback better days
bought in parts
instead of by the hour.

How alien:
touched mid-post, mid-text, 
pyrex glass, winning
new old west.

a reign ended in splinters
busted in the heated crucible
of the apocalypse. 

Yet here we are
survived, only by ourselves for certain. 
never buried, close the curtain,
a history wrote by us as best
as best and brig...

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no kisses here to speak of

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