The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 54 days, 11 hours. Get details and Enter.

nellie spindler (Remove filter)

The Weeping Angel [song version]

The Weeping Angel


She passed this way and tended to our pain,

administered our wounds and eased our fears

telling us that we would be home again.

stayed by our beds and whispered in our ears,


She was gentle, but never weak or frail,

Remember Nellie Spindler from Wakefield

the only woman killed at Passchendaele

An angel weeps for her in Flanders Field



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nellie spindlerwakefieldnurseWW1passchendaeleremembrance

The Weeping Angel

The Weeping Angel


She passed this way and tended to our pain,

stayed by our beds and whispered in our ears,

administered our wounds and eased our fears -

telling us that we would be home again.

Once, in her hands, I saw pendant and chain,

I will remember that for many years,

an angel weeping solitary tears

that made me think of the oncoming rain.

She sent it to her ...

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miltonic sonnetnellie spindlerpasschendaelewakefieldwar heroweeping angel

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