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Finding You

THE hardest thing to do,

Is find the real you.

Your rawest and purest form,

That in the coldest of days can make you feel warm.

But first, there are events you must go through. 

SOMETIMES we adopt the persona of celebrity idols,

Or become obsessed with higher social class titles.

Lose ourselves in social media networks,

Endulge ourselves in the latest trending quirks.


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finding yourselfmy personality

I am the one ...

I was made out of smiles and tears,
I was made out of love, hate, and fears,
Out of happiness and sadness.
I’m the one who causes sleepless nights,
Who never likes your fights.
Being mixed with pain and bliss
I am the one you always miss,
I am the perfect imperfection,
The treatment, I’m your injection.
I’m dangerous like the moon
I become cool very soon.
The 3rd of September, 2018

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my personality

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