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Finding You

THE hardest thing to do,

Is find the real you.

Your rawest and purest form,

That in the coldest of days can make you feel warm.

But first, there are events you must go through. 

SOMETIMES we adopt the persona of celebrity idols,

Or become obsessed with higher social class titles.

Lose ourselves in social media networks,

Endulge ourselves in the latest trending quirks.

But staying true to your genuine self is vital. 

GETTING distracted by relationship goals,

Slowly developing bigger and emptier holes.

Where does your happiness come into play?

Becoming unfulfilled with each passing day.

For each obstacle you astray takes a piece of your soul.

FIND what makes you a better person,

Find interests that you can be diverse in.

Figure out the reasons that make you smile,

Travel, paint, exercise; Go that extra mile.

Because you deserve satisfaction from within.

YOU can not be deprived of inner contentment,

Any future afflictions will only be transient.

You control the direction of your life and how you feel,

Revive your spirit and make your dreams become real.

That would be the greatest advancement. 

DEVELOP your own lifestyle and remain true,

Establish your own personality; It’s not hard to do. 

Your authenticity is what people will remember,

No one can truly relate to a pretender.

The most rewarding achievement is finding you.


finding yourselfmy personality


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