The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 16 hours. Get details and Enter.

late night self critics (Remove filter)

Stagnant Flux

It's one in the morning but my mind won't heed the clock
I am paralyzed by thoughts, by a sense of waiting that both exhausts and perversely energizes.
I am spasming, striking between these polar states like an electron through a circuit.
Do I wait for a sign?
For an opportunity or revelation?
And what force is this that stills my lids from succumbing to sleep's gravity?
I hope, and fear in ...

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late night self criticsmusing

am I lazy

Am I lazy? 

Lately I've been feeling hazy.

Cloudy thoughts, just unknown known routes. 

forever lost in my thoughts. 

When it's time to start working, 

Blame it on anxiety and emotional turmoil, 

I know nothing will move If I don't do something.

Hide behind the depression, sadness, self pity. 

Those are your excuses

It's like you like being depressed.


Why cry if ...

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late night self critics

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